Home AR-15 Destroying AR15 Mags for SCIENCE

Destroying AR15 Mags for SCIENCE


This week, Jon, Ben and the guys from Stuff and Things Inc. test the Desert Tech Mag again, and MORE at the range!
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  1. 11:09 "not complete garbage". I'd say they earned a bit more praise than that! They held up about as well as you'd want (and then some) for a mag with similar polymer thickness to the 30 rounders but with waay more mass/weight.

  2. Honestly, I think this 4:28 should be given more credit. It's not easy getting a quad stack mag to work, and be durable, and not yeet rounds when dropped, and not become misaligned, and after all that lock back when empty.

  3. I appreciate that desert tech didn't just tell you guys to flip off, but sent you a proper mag for testing. So many companies would have said you guys are a bunch of Yahoo's who don't treat our products with respect so we're not dealing with you. They've always seem to own up to the criticism and try and improve their products. They may not always get it right the first time, but they don't try and invalidate your results

  4. I wouldn't take any single test seriously. It all depend on what angle it failed. I have majority of AR15 mag and they all work until it don't work. Choose the popular brand and be happy military/police didn't choose the top brand bases on a single test.

  5. Just one mag says little about the lancers. So many factors on impact. Add an AUG mag too.
    The quad mag from Deserttech did a great job considering far more mass on one spring. If that mass can push on the baseplate on impact makes a big difference. Having them on a string in the horizontal and letting go to swing to the vertical should be the worst case. If you attach two mags to each other yo can test connectors and have more weight again while not in the same body.
    If you show the mags before and after, show how the parts interact with close ups.

  6. I own a crap ton of lancers for both AR15 and SR25, and they’re well worth the money, especially on sale. Have run about 60 or so mags, ~40 of them hard, and so far all still stupid reliable.

  7. I have a mix of the transparent smoke color Lancers and Magpul w/o the windows.Even though I have both I prefer the Lancers because of the steel feed lips and visual round count. As for reliability, I've not had any issues with mine over the several years I have been using them. I do of course have old fashioned steel mags somewhere, you know, just in case. =)

  8. Honestly, I didn't think Desert Tech was going to be able to pull it off. There's a lot of mass in that magazine and trying to contain it is a tall order. Impressive stuff.

    Also, thank you for testing regular magazines in the same manner. That was a criticism I had it but first video. Now we're doing good science.

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