Home AR-15 Teen AR-15 shooter sent back to jail pre-trial after release

Teen AR-15 shooter sent back to jail pre-trial after release


On Wednesday, a higher court judge threw out DC Magistrate Judge Lloyd Nolan’s decision and sent 18-year-old Amonte Moody back to jail to await his trial.

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  1. And this is why those certain stats are still high! but oh wonder why people don't say whom are the suspects it's not racist if they back it up themself!

    judges needs to be charged omg stop letting these thugs out!

  2. No heā€™s a teen he donā€™t deserve jail he deserves knowledge and his rights gun rights on hold until further notice if he was being robbed he haves a right to defend but he haves to explain it well but to put him in jail where he would get worst is wrong he smart had a ar and knew how to use it very smart must be life saving programs but if no one was killed then heā€™s not the threat the ones riding away are what they took or what threat they caused heā€™s at his home with his ar thatā€™s how I see it

  3. Oi everyone 0:30, this video contains the SOUND OF GUNFIRE: it may be disturbingā€¦ In what loony bin universe is the sound of gunfire, that by the way is overused in movies and TV, disturbing and not the fact that courts issue demented decisions freeing all sorts of criminals?

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