The Folding AR-15 or the Backpack AR has been a concept since the beginning of time. only just never quite done well. here i think we have a perfect example of it being perfectly executed. enjoy!
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One thing i didnt mention. I highly advise carrying a pistol IN CONJUNCTION WITH this system. It doesnt not really make sense as a rapid deployment weapon. use your CCW find cover/safety then deploy the backpack gat. or at least thats what makes sense to me!
You know how I know you are gay? You listen to Coldplay and own a folding AR. With that being said, the results are impressive.
Best guntuber out there. Loved the intro. Gym results definitely showing. Great vid, brah.
Do you use the same Witt Machine Suppressor w/ different calibers? Been debating one of these, likely for my 9mm pcc, and my 5.56, but honestly don't want more than 1, just something I can swap between. Was wondering if i got it in 9mm, how that would work.
Where are your glasses from?? Those frames are SICK!
FOG hat is top tier
that foldable .300 blackout AR needs an integrally suppressed barrel.
I love when koby the cadet makes a video
That would never happen with key mo , your suppressor would be on in 2 seconds!!
Micah please make “you just brought fentanyl to a 300 blk fight AHHHH” id buy 3
Gotta get the chad 20 inch
I’m currently working on a prototype that this kinda fucks over…
What the hell is a folding pin
Get back to the MK12. Brother in Christ bring back the long bois.
Lmao as an Oregon resident, makes me wonder why Portland?…its bad but not that bad
I would say NE, or Gresham if anything
Keep your hand clear of the latch/hook when you close it, unless you like pain. Also, if the latch does break there are holes pre-tapped to actually bolt the barrel assembly to the receiver.
You could try one of those stinky Inforce lights on the top rail.
Costco man pantie twinzies!!!!
They are the best! Oh, also, great review Mr Mayfield. You're awesome, thanks for doing all this hard work for our enjoyment and education.
Favorite 556 can for actually making it quieter, & yay Science! Thanks Micha!
curious about if this system works with ar 10
That is all
Remember: assembling your gun out of a backpack is always faster than waiting for the cops.
The slight zero shift could be also related to the optic and mount getting bumped or tweaked slightly. Overall… more than acceptable POI for a teowawki foldy boi.
I've loved mine that I've had for over a year. Running a 16" and I got it because of the pistol brace issues that had been going on. Mine is very close to the 16" you are running.
I've been loveing the opening sequence "one-upping" between youtubers. This was top 10 material!
Hey, Micah.
Idk if the extra time to set it up would be worth it or not, but regarding the light issue you mentioned, Bobro makes a QD scout mount that you just drop in the M-Lok slot and spin the wheel to lock in. Kinetic Development Group also has some QD stuff that would work with it as well. May be worth considering if you're adamant about not wanting a pressure pad.
"Remember kids if it fits in a backpack, you can bring it to school." Showing tells are gonna be dope.
It would be cool to see it in a pistol caliber. I know it is difficult and probably not market justified, but it would just be cool.
Micah you're the best, I don't care what they say about ya!!
Why haven’t I subscribed before? Micah’s videos are excellent.
I prefer a law folder + cry havoc cqb due to the added advantage of quick caliber swaps. Thats what I run for my "takedown" AR15
Put the optic on the handguard and see how it holds zero?
you brought fentanyl to a 300BO fight had me in tears….

Micah rules! Always informative, thanks for keeping it fun.
Best into EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what type of glasses are you wearing?????
There is a folding pistol grip on the Air Force Survival Rifle Folding AR.
ahahahahhahahaha that intro was so good