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Welcome to another episode of the “Christian Warrior Training” podcast, where safety and preparedness meet faith. I’m your host, Keith Graves. In today’s episode, we delve into a startling situation that unfolded when a church found an AR-15 left in a backpack against their wall. We’ll discuss the implications of such an act and provide essential safety advice for responsibly carrying firearms, especially in places of worship. Our mission is not only to keep our churches secure but to ensure that everyone involved knows how to do so safely and effectively. From why someone might feel the need to bring a rifle to church, to proper firearm training and the intricacies of choosing the right ammunition, we’re covering it all. Plus, we’ll explore the responsibilities of concealed carriers and the importance of coordinating with church safety teams. Join us as we break down these crucial topics to help maintain a safe sanctuary for everyone. And remember, if you love Jesus Christ and you love guns, you’re in the right place. Stay tuned!
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Thanks very very useful information!!!
just saw the channel and now I want to barf, congrats on the cringe factor
Oh Lord, I have only a Stag Arms Model 3.
Oh boy, when you said "I leave it in my truck" you lost me. Don't leave anything in your vehicle that you don't want stolen! A backpack/purse/duffel bag in a vehicle, no matter what's in it, is a prime target for a smash-and-grab, and you won't realize the mistake you've made until you come out to your truck and find glass all over the inside.
Am I hearing this correctly?? Guns in CHURCH??
I personally don't think rifles should be used for church security barring some special circumstances, If you have to assemble something broken down in a bag it is going to be too slow. Now if you are able to have people staged somewhere with ready to go long guns in their hands that's one thing but most people aren't afforded that. Violent incidents occur very fast and any plan that starts with "go and get" is doomed to fail. That and I don't want to be holding a long gun when the police show up to an active shooter call where a suspect is reported to have a long gun.
"if you love Jesus Christ and guns" instantly hit the subscribe button
Wow scary careless irresponsible person yes church security is a big thing in these times prayers for all that he watch out for us
Must have been a well disciplined AR…
Your gun is completely useless unless it is in your hand
Absolutely love the PSA diss. PSA products are trash.
How did a person walk into a church carrying a backpack, that could easily hold an AR? Did nobody (Safety Team) pick up on this?
Unrelated to the rest of the video, with as much respect sir, I believe your comment about cheap guns at the end of your video is a bit arrogant, or just misguided. An AR-15 does not have to cost even four figures to work. It's a very well proven and incredibly standardized design; the fact of the matter is only so much varies between manufacturers. By your implied standard, the rifles used by the US military are worthless. Sure, they're basic and definitely don't shoot 1 MOA, but they do what a rifle needs to do, and at a reasonable price. It should also be acknowledged that modern manufacturing has progressed to the point that the cheapest AR-15 is almost guaranteed to shoot at least as well as, or likely better than any WW2 or previous rifle could ever hope to achieve.
While agree with the " quality over quantity" mindset, some people( like myself) may not have the expendable income to buy a 3k+ rifle setup. For me, that's over a month of pay, and I have other bills to keep up with as well. This is the situation for A LOT of people. I would rather be next to a guy who trains once a week with PSA firearms, than a guy who runs Daniel Defense and only trains twice a year. The best gun in a gunfight is the one you have on you that you've trained with.
This sounds like a psyop for gun control
“Only people that should have the guns are authority figures, only who I say can” sounds really tyrannical sounding to me
“They should be locked up in a safe, disassembled into 100 pieces” sounds real democrats shithole Illinois, California, New York to me
“Like good people should” mf you rifled through his bag like a looter, yah I know the reason and their grounds for it but still we literally have the 4th amendment that says that shit ain’t ok
We have 27 amendments and you’re gonna tell me you only believe in the first 2 huh?
Yah sure why is this mf just leaving whole ass rifle like it’s a treasure hunt
Why the fuck would you tell them your concealing? That defeats the entire purpose of cc just open carry at that point
Yes cause I have the money to buy 3 different guns for every different place I go and on top of that have so much extra time and money I can go get high end training
Just be rich, just be ex militaryswat, just be an elite top 0.01% of the population
Im on safety and security. My rifle stays in my vehicle since im gonna be near the vehicle anyways when its my turn to work. If i see a dude carrrying a bag into church i automatically assume hes got a gun of some sort. Dont be the bag guy.
What attack is coming good sir?
Any jarheads here know what happens when you leave your rifle unattended. I did it once on a field op. NEVER DID THAT AGAIN.
Laying down your weapon is a major No-no. Always on your person.
So why can't I subscribe. Took a screenshot?
Whaaaa… My [insert expensive and trendy gun here] is way more [insert baseless claim here] than your real M4! WHaaaaa…. says the mall ninja, trained for litterally months by the best tik tok gun-goofs….

The AR15 is left leaning?
I watched the first 30 seconds of your video. That rifle belongs to someone. WHICH MEANS. NO ONE SHOULD TOUCH IT. FUCK off with your fear mongering bullshit.
Do better people… This kind of irresponsibility just fuels the anit-2A people.
Now that I know what happened my inner NCO is fuming at a weapon being left unattended in a public setting and did a lot of knife-hand gesturing.
No, but ill take it if nobody claims it.
If every responsible carrier carried, there wouldn’t be any threats in this society towards innocent civilians. It’s the opposite that has caused the victim class of Americans roaming the Earth today.
Like good people should? If that happened where I work it might have been treated like a bomb. Cuz something is about to happen and you're at condition orange.
Only "trained" people should be armed with a rifle eh? Typical cop thinking. Are you really thinking that an active shooter is a HOSTAGE RESCUE??? Wow…how exactly did you come to that equation? There are no hostages in an active shooter scenario. Only victims and those who are not yet victims. And yeah, it was stupid to leave a backpack full of a rifle for just anyone to grab. I'm assuming it was an actual church goer and not someone intent on doing evil? I would never leave a gun in a car, no matter the strength of the box it is in. Your car (truck) could get stolen or smashed and there goes your gun.
Also, way to flex on the poors James, but a PSA rifle is quite capable despite your disdain of inexpensive rifles.
ar15? thats illegal
Would not say a word. Free gun is free gun.
I came here thinking this was gonna be another Babylon Bee……
Church security? Hundreds of people? Not knowing the other people in your church or if they're the threat? We must attend very different churches.
If I had to guess it's pretty likely someone has left their gun against wall unattended for a few minutes at my church.
I could see this happening at a church I used to go to. The pastor actually had to tell the guys to stop bringing guns in before church on Sundays to show them to the other guys what they had just bought.
practice everymonth = airsoft with the buddies?
I’m a member of the church security where I attend in the rural Midwest, the church members know we have a security team but we don’t try to scream big macho security, we are identified by the black button up shirt we wear, to remain discreet but also be uniformed, I know many churches have plans for this situation, our plan is to stand our ground, secure the entries to the auditorium with armed men inside it and some outside it covering the entries to the building while we wait for law enforcement to arrive. This idea was made because of the amount of elderly people we have that can’t get up and run for an exit without help, we also did it so everyone was running around in a panic and we can still have some control of the situation as much as we can. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for me to pass along to the other men? Thank you all and have a blessed day.
I would lose my rag if I attended a church where a moron left an AR15 unattended. I don't have an issue with having the right to carry guns in a church but freedom comes with responsibilities and failure to meet those responsibilities come with consequences.
Sweet video!
I thought this man was onto something until he revealed himself as a "lock it in the safe until you need it" guy. "You shouldnt bring a rifle unless youve got thousands of hours of hostage training."
What good is a rifle "locked away until you need it". Thats about as effective as removing your brake pads on your car, tossing them in the trunk, and driving down the road with the mentality of "I'll put them on when I need them."
When the moment "I need it crosses your mind" it's already too late.
Having it collapsed, sight turned off, can off, safety on, unloaded, zipped shut in a bag, etc is already too much.
If someone comes in the church with a firearm and starts shooting I'd much rather have a couple of people with a firearm and some training than them all either locked up or discouraged because they arn't a SWAT team operator as yourself.
What you've said sounded logical at first but once you think about it you've essentially said that if your're highly trained in crowded environments you can bring one but if not then stand by and allow everyone to die.
It'd be much better to hit a civilian in order to neutralize the threat saving hundreds of lives than to do nothing and allow them to be massacred
the guns at church are free, you can just take them! I have taken over four guns during the lasershow and when Pastor Mike rides his Harley onto the stage.
You know what’s better than being the only guy carrying in church that gets shot? Leaving your rifles ready to be accessed by LITERALLY ANYONE. keep your rifle by your neighbor’s side. And ffs don’t have a public rifle chambered in 300 bo.
If you’re worried about iff: find a real church, not a mega church. Can’t listen to more than ten seconds of this charlatan’s nonsense.
I thought AR-15's were right leaning
you are not sane at all brother
You need to collab with John of Warrior Poet Society
I understand and respect what you say, but it’s the person behind the gun and not the brand of gun. If you know your rifle, and you know how to keep it in good working order, it will suffice.
Personally, I'm not Christian, but many of my family members are and thus, I attend services with them because it makes them happy, and all I want is my family happy. Well, one day, I'm going with my brother in his truck, and when we get into the parking lot, the man parked next to us was folding the brace on his MCX pistol, and slid it in his backpack. I told my brother out of concern, because he was CCing and I was too young to in my state at the time, and he looked me dead in the eye, saying, "that's the youth pastor, don't worry". I still go to that church from time to time to volunteer, and everyone there are all some of the nicest people I've met in my entire life.
The Lord provides…