Home CMMG AR15 Buffer and BCG weight setup comparison

AR15 Buffer and BCG weight setup comparison


Short comparison of two buffer and bolt carrier group setups:
1. Standard AR15 Buffer 144 grams (5 oz) and Standard BCG 326 grams (11.5 oz)
2. Lightweight AR15 Buffer 44 grams (1.5 oz) and Lightweight BCG 232 grams (8.2 oz)

Distance to target – 25 meters.

Rifle setup:
▪️ Savage Arms MSR 15 Competition⁣
▪️ Nightforce Optics NX8™ 1-8×24 F1⁣
▪️ Spuhr AB SP-3602
▪️ Shield RMS 4MOA
▪️ Warne Scope Mounts A645 Picatinny Side Mount Adapter 45°
▪️ LUTH – AR MBA – 1
▪️ CROOK CRC 9012 Basic Anodizing 3 Slot Picatinny M-LOK
▪️ Radian Weapons RAPTOR-LT
▪️ S&J Customs, LLC SJC CS .223 Titan Black
▪️ Magpul MOE SL Grip

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  1. Доброго дня 🇺🇦
    А ты сам сейчас brownells пользуешь? Стоит ли его брать? У меня 18’’, rifle газовая система, фикс приклад+гидробуфер, регулируемый газблок.
    Стоит не мало, хотелось бы узнать у тех кто пользовал)
    Заранее спасибо 🙏

  2. Quite interesting! The overall group looks very similar, however the dispersion between first and second shot of each pair seems almost cut in half with the lighter setup! So the group size is probably more dictated by your ability to hold the rifle stable and still during offhand shooting. This supports my current view on lightweight setups, they don't really seem to matter that much for high pace short distance shooting, but will probably start to make a difference on (more supported) medium to longrange shots, where it should enable you to make really precise followup shots faster.

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