In the warehouse for this SF GRV on a PCC in TNP! Here I do an add-on review to my original CMMG MKG Guard 9mm PCC review: That gun tested very well and I almost bought it. But here things change a bit. For one I stupidly got it in .45 ACP making it expensive to shoot. Then there was another big downside that turned me off. It still features an innovative radial bolt carrier group that’s ready to adapt to more powerful rounds; it’s not a simple blowback. This is innovative and somewhat special but does it really justify the astronomical price? I’ll talk about this, show you the results of desert testing, and show you some super cool non-gun stuff to expand your horizons.
Gear in this episode
StrongSuit “General Utility” gloves, I love these
StrongSuit “Second Skin” gloves, xlnt also
3M simple “Over the Head” yellow ear muffs, $15
Holosun 503C (a fave) gold red
B5 Systems AR15 furniture, really good stuff and priced right
Victorinox INOX watches at Jomashop
BOG Fieldpods
BOG Deathgrip stand up shooting tripod, we love it
Bestechman Goodboy teal
Bestechman Goodboy khaki
Bestechman Goodboy purple
Surfing Astronaut:
Skull Astronaut:
Chest Rig:
Squared Chest rig (comes in white:
Komatsu high quality 1/50 construction pieces

Thanks for coming out to the video! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE AND THE B CHANNEL (youtube.com/thenutnfancyproject) This review of course is thanks to my donors who make this expensive process possible, fully independent reviews: https://www.patreon.com/Nutnfancy And now there is a “charter membership” in my Patreon where you can join for free. You’ll still get more content that way and I’ll post 2 more vids per month to those dudes too. But PAYING members get the full flow and directly support my process. You can also donate to the TNP independence with PayPal also, above. Enjoy this long term Nutnfancy content!
Can we get some modern day scored & timed sledgehammer and trench run drill videos? Who cares about views, let's do what is cool and fun instead! Plus the viewers want to see what Nutn's modern day load-out and tactics look like.
I am an advocate for a .45 PCC in certain circumstances. Prior to the brace ban I had one with a 5” barrel and it ran suppressed all of the time. I was a very early advocate for 300blk but had terminal ballistics issues on game. It just wasn’t lethal, as the bullets are not designed to impact at subsonic velocities.
Enter the .45 acp. 230gr loads are all subsonic. Ball loads are proven manstoppers, and the hollow point bullets are engineered to expand at subsonic velocity.
In the glock mag versions it shared mag compatibility with a favorite pistol the 30s. Mine held about a 4” group at 50m, more than suitable for the subsonic round.
For suppressed users it gives two advantages over other offerings at short range. Lethality and readily available subsonic ammo.
My .02
Just like you didn’t want to review the gun, I didn’t want to watch the review. I scrolled by my feed numerous times and finally decided to watch to see if I could get a laugh out of it and to see if you were going to stay consistent on PCC and trash it. Two for two. PCC is 99.9% novelty. My friend just bought the folding S&W 9mm PCC. FDLFBPCP. Get that in the patch store. Friends don’t let friends buy PCP!
Sure, review watches. Just not like an ad on front of another gear review. Focus Nutn!
Foxtrot Mike FM15 12.5" ♥
Nobody wants a review of this
Many thanks ! What are your thoughts about a pcc in caliber .30 Carbine ? A nice in-between option for home & yard protection, possibly ?…..
Great insight and review I thank you. At this it'll probably be better to look at a Kriss for a bill more in a pistol.
Dang 45 is expensive!!!!!!!
Abbreviations, not acronyms. Acronyms spell a word like NASA, scuba, radar, and BART.
Thanks for a great review. Glad to see back on the platform. Please keep up the good work. I’m looking forward to watching more.
CMMG is overpriced and gimmicky.
Nutn seems to have not gotten passed the whole budget mindset. Like those gloves have holes in them man. That's a bad buy. Yet here he is recommending them to us? Makes no sense
A 16 inch 9mm pcc makes sense for possible cheaper cost per round training, but 10mm or 45 gets pretty expensive and doesn't bring anything over 5.56. That said I'd like a 8 or 10 inch 9mm pcc pistol with a brace.
Pick some better guns to review
Sadly you are correct, i cant afford to go out and shoot 9mm for an afternoon. It's not even the cost of the ammo, its the cost of everything else eating up my ammo budget. Also agree that a .45acp PCC is a waste. FJB, Trump 2024.
V8’s are not metric either, there is no replacement for displacement lol. Freedom fractions! Gotta pay for performance.
I am a sub and was a close follower of the TNP channel back when you ran the Casio DataBank. And strangely, about 12/2020 the channel vanished from my feed. Consider that as you will.
The channel popped up in my feed suddenly about a year ago but still only about once a month. Consider that as you will.
At any rate, thank you for emphasizing the cost to run the rigs we own. So many reviews out there of pew-pews in unacceptably expensive calibers that make the review and pew-pew itself simply irrelevant.
Thanks to the insight gleaned on your channel back in the Casio days I've built my entire pew-pew collection around a single game round and PCC in the most common calibers out there – 9mm & 7.62×39. And then also stocked up ammo in 2017 and 2018.
Thank you again. It's paid for itself many times over since then.
Cheers from Laramie.
I went shooting at the range with my brother last week. We wasted $300 worth of ammo in an hour and a half. Crazy how expensive everything is. I totally understand Nutn's point. Also, thanks Nutn!
Just brace a G21,G41,G20 or a G40, it's much cheaper !
I love when you talk about watches fwiw. If you reviewed guitars you would cover all my bases