On April 18th at 8:30 a.m. Senate File 4312 and Senate File 5153 will receive a hearing in the Senate Finance Committee. The bills would impose a one-size fits all firearm storage requirement and ban certain firearm triggers. Please use the Take Action button below to contact members of the committee and urge them to OPPOSE SF 4312 and SF 5153!
SF 4312 would implement a one-size fits all firearm storage requirement, regardless of personal circumstances and needs. Failure to follow this storage requirement will expose an individual to criminal penalties. This legislation tips the scales in favor of criminals and victimizes law-abiding gun owners who seek to defend themselves.
SF 5153 includes vague and ambiguous language that bans certain firearm triggers. The provisions of the bill could potentially implicate many common factory installed triggers.
Once again, please contact members of the Senate Finance Committee and urge them to OPPOSE SF 4312 and SF 5153!
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