Home AR-15 14-year-old charged with stealing AR-15 during home burglary in Covington

14-year-old charged with stealing AR-15 during home burglary in Covington


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A Covington teenager charged with aggravated burglary spent no time in jail after being arrested last week. Instead, he was sent home with his parents.

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  1. A white minor kid commits a crime with a gun the media wants his parents prosecuted but when a black minor teenager commits a crime with a gun he is not detained and his mother is not even questioned.

    The gun issue pushed by Democrats is not really about guns but only becomes an issue when the individual with the gun can help them politically.

    When a minority kid commits a violent crime with a gun the issue is with accessibility of guns, but when the same violent crime is committed by a non-minority demon then it is time to prosecute everyone who could have known he had access to the same gun. Where is the fairness in the justice system! It is all about politics now and not justice.

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