Home AR-15 Watch this sniper from the 75th Ranger Regiment absolutely smoke the Carbine/Pistol...

Watch this sniper from the 75th Ranger Regiment absolutely smoke the Carbine/Pistol course!



🎥 ➡️

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  1. How does the military work is this like a class something that you can sign up for or is it then who pucs if you can be a sniper like they see you skill and say “yup ok ur a sniper come on”

  2. Quando os EUA decidiram entrar numa Guerra que não era dele, quem se recorda sabe que falo dos Viet Kong e Viet Nam do Norte. Com todo o preparo e armazenamento moderno da Época,inclusive as terriveis bombas de Napalms que queimaram vivas milhões de crianças, mulheres e idosos. Mesmo assim foram derrotados pelas flechas,armadilhas de bambuzais e túneis usados pra surpeender os SOLDADOS despreparados para as surpreendentes artimanhas de guerra do inimigo selvagem

  3. Jay shree ram ji Jay mere mataji Jai mere pitaji Jay mere Guru ji Jay mere uncle ji Jai mere Mata Saraswati aapko pranam Ram Ram ji Jay mere army Mukesh fouji gangacholi Bala Ram Ram ji Jay mere mataji Jai mere pitaji Jay mere mataji

  4. Question for Army. What is the color pattern for the guy on the rear (timer)
    I’ve recently seen Navy individual wearing the same pattern. Like a bold tropical digital pattern.

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