Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Colorado: Extreme Gun Control on the Move! Take Action Now!

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Extreme Gun Control on the Move! Take Action Now!


Anti-gun extremists in the General Assembly have been busy at work infringing on your constitutional rights. This week, multiple gun control bills have advanced, moving one step closer to the Governor’s desk. SB24-131, the gun-free zone expansion, passed the Senate and HB24-1349, the punitive tax on guns and ammunition, passed out of committee. Tomorrow, HB24-1270, the gun owner liability insurance mandate, is scheduled to be heard in committee and SB24-066, mandating merchant category codes for firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition, could receive a final vote on the House floor this week.  Use the three Take Action buttons below to contact your legislators! 

Contact Your Representative to OPPOSE – Sensitive Places Expansion

The Senate passed SB24-131 with amendments, expanding “sensitive places” where firearms cannot be lawfully carried, after previously tabling the bill. The traditional committee process was thrown out as little advanced notice for hearings was given and no additional public input was allowed. The amendments narrow the newly expanded “sensitive areas” however, the legislation remains a significant infringement on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.  This legislation will be transferred to the House where your NRA will continue the fight. 

Contact members of the Appropriations Committee to OPPOSE HB 24-1349 – Excise Tax

Prior to amendments HB24-1349 created an 11% excise tax on the sale of all firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in the state. If passed, the tax will be on the ballot this Fall. Firearms and ammunition are already subject to an 11% federal excise tax through the Pittman-Robertson Act, along with a variety of other state and local taxes and fees. California is the only other state to enact similar legislation. An amendment reduced the tax from 11% to 9% and HB24-1349 has now been referred to the House Appropriations Committee for further review. 

Contact Members of House Business Affairs and Labor Committee to OPPOSE – Liability Insurance Mandate

HB24-1270 would force gun owners to obtain liability insurance to purchase and carry a gun in Colorado. The Business Affairs & Labor Committee is set to hold a hearing tomorrow, April 4th, at 1:30 pm where your NRA will testify in opposition. 

Make Your Voice Heard!

Your immediate assistance is needed!  It is imperative that you contact the committee members NOW and urge them to OPPOSE these bills, which would severely restrict law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen! Please share this alert with your family and friends and ask them to do the same.

We need your voice to push back on these efforts to strip away your rights in Denver! Sign up to testify (in person or remote) here: www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/signIn.xsp

The NRA-ILA will work diligently to defend your Second Amendment rights by opposing bills like SB24-131, HB24-1349, and HB24-1270. Continue to check your inbox and the NRA-ILA website for updates concerning your Second Amendment Rights and hunting heritage in Colorado.

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