Home CMMG AMBI Magazine Release

AMBI Magazine Release


Our AMBI Magazine Release drops into any receiver designed to accept a mil-spec magazine catch. Low profile, and ergonomically designed, the mag-catch integrates with most receivers while being very easy to use and will not accidentally activate or interfere with other controls. The package also includes our enhanced Strike Magazine Release button and spring for a complete drop-in upgrade. For “wrong-handed” folks or for those that just want more options, the Strike Ambi-Mag Release is the perfect component to have.

Disclaimer: Designed for receivers that accept mil-spec magazine catches only.


– Allows ambidextrous activation of the magazine release
– Drop-In replacement for ambidextrous use
– Comes with Strike Magazine Release Button and spring
– Compatible with standard AR15/M16 receiver specs.

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  1. The one I receive did not work. It would not lock the magazine on placed. I noticed this happens when I used a Gen 2 magpul magazine but it doesn't happen on a Gen 3. It seems the piece I received is out of spect due the way it sits on the magazines' body. Does anybody have the same problem?

  2. I really like the bolt catch but curious why I can't find one with the extender to the right… I have to buy the 4pack bundle on your site just for the one I want. Any tips on where I can find the bolt catch with the extender to the right?

  3. Does that rifle have your flat wire buffer spring in it? Because that thing sounds as bad as a $400 Palmetto State rifle. You should take the sand and rocks out of the buffer tube before you charge the weapon. LOL. Seriously though, take what ever spring is in that buffer tube and throw it in the nearest dumpster. Another thing, that extended ringing sound when you drop the bolt is likely coming from an interference issue between the gas block and the handguard. When you space them at the proper distance, that extended ringing will go away

  4. I bought one of these as soon as they were available and the mag release button they ship with is too shallow for the threads on the release shaft. You screw it all the way down until it bottoms out, then back it off so it lines up in the lower but then the lower drops mag 10/10 times by rocking the lower side to side holding the pistol grip. I also emailed them to see give them feedback (maybe I got a bad button, I get these things happen)and I've gotten no response from them at all. Finally got it to work by using a mil spec button though; not sure if the fact that its threaded all the way through makes the difference but it allowed me to get the last couple threads through to get a secure lock on the mags. Great mag release all in all, works amazing for bad lever users too. Just sucks I couldn't use their button with it

    Edit: used on a mil spec forged lower

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