Home CMMG CMMG .22LR conversion kits are super underrated

CMMG .22LR conversion kits are super underrated

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  1. I got a Smith & Wesson m&p15-22 for this. For $100 more i couldn't pass it up. Came with fde magpul butt stock, grip, flip ups, rail scabs, red dot, rifle case, eyes and ears for $350. Running a dedicated 22 lr barrel and set up is way more reliable and accurate. Malfunction drills are great but my ars never really malfunction for me anyways unless i have 4,200 rds in-between cleaning 😂

  2. I had terrible accuracy with mine, switched to a collar and dedicated barrel and it made it work a lot better. Gassy AF suppressed. If you have the money, go straight for a tippmann M4-22. Same manual of arms as your AR15, actually good LRBHO functionality, greater reliability, much more accuracy, not very gassy suppressed, and it takes a lot of standard AR upgrades.

  3. I have an idea to reduce friendly fire. Its like the lazer tag they had in the 90s…but a laser from the barrel is on constant. Your team wears a light breathable jumpsuit that can detect anytime the barrel is pointed at them. It lights up the suit of the soldier that pointed his gun at his fellow teammate. Now he has to immediately go run 5 miles. After a few runs you'll have very barrel conscious team. I also recommend safety on until barrel up and ready to shoot, then placing the safety back on immediately after firing. It sounds like alot of extra work, but after enough training it'll be instant. You want a callus on the side of your thumb from doing it so often. Short range targets in a line… like how target ranges are set up now. And going from left to right where you pull up, safty off, fire, safty on, barrel down, move to next position, pull up, safty off, fire, safty on, barrel down…repeat. after doing this to where it becomes 2nd nature then practice from right to left. Practice short range targets..like 10ish meters. And try to keep movement while squeezing the trigger so as to practice firing while on the move. On person a time through the range, and after completing the last target he will fall way back behind the fire line and circle back into line to go through again. Then slowly move the target farther away after getting good at the short range target. I sure wish i could be out there with you guys. Im too old now and had a stroke, but would have loved to be a part of a militia. Safety safety safety. 👍

  4. If you’re seeing this currently or within this week just know PSA has been having these on sale for the last four days if you have their email subscription and it comes with the Bolt and three mags for 169.99$ I’m not sure if they’ll keep it up all week or not because of Easter but these pop up off and on regularly enough I’d say take a look there. PSA- palmetto state armory

  5. I watched your review on it awhile back, and I absolutely love it mine. I was able to get the 30rd kit before my local gunshop had to close down because of our commie governor.

  6. Man….. I wish I had a crew to run and train with. Would love to have the opportunity to run and learn from you guys. It really sucks living here in Maryland and it's very hard to find like minded people.

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