Home Nikon Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24×50 , 2nd Look

Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24×50 , 2nd Look


Vortex Diamondback 6-25×50 Tactical , is it still worth it after 2 years ? I reviewed this scope a couple of years ago and it did great . So this is my second look at one of Vortex Optics best selling scopes . Make sure and use my code Cyclops at checkout at Optics Force to get 5% off any order . Link to Optics Force website .

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  1. I have this scope on my AR-10 DMR. Mine is 1st FP and the thing I found I don't like is at lower magnification the reticle is way too small. Man I gotta thank you. You have caused me to bust a gut so many times over the years I've been watching your channel. I'm guessing that much laughter has worked to extend my life some. Thanks Joe!

  2. Been using the scoope for over a year and it has worked more then fine until recently when i noticed problem to get it focused. One shoot and it looked like à LOT of mirage. NeXT shoot the mirage feeling dissapered. The problem Was a loose lens that is now tumbling around in the tube. Time to check their Vip warranty👍 Peter

  3. .. I've had this scope for over a year now on a .223 bolt and have shot from 100 to 1000 yards without any cantelever in the rail. It need all the elevation and 24 MoA to get on bull @1000 but being FFP, it worked perfectly! Great review btw!

  4. Could you please tell me. How do you return clicks exactly at the same place, after you rotate it? It has no zero stop, so I wonder how you return it to zero, without counting any clicks?

  5. First thing ur a bad ass dude man I just bought a umarex gauntlet 2 25 cal. Please sir can u tell me what scope set up the whole thing I need to buy I got around 400 bucks budget to spend my honest friend a while back I had a break over rile u told to get a scope it think it was utg can u help me please because I know u know what I need from 10yards to at least 150 please help me

  6. Joe, thank you for showing me Arken scopes. I just bought the EPL4 4X16X44mm. I also used your Promo code Cyclops, so hopefully, Arken recognizes. Thx again, Pickle
    p.s. gotta respect the titty twister!

  7. I do not like buying things made in china. Even if its an american company but the fact they are buying parts or manufacturing in china i will spend the extra money for quality. Same reason i dont f*ck with anything that says hornady

  8. What I really would appreciate from scope reviews is some sort of consistency. In ur best 6-25x scopes under $500 video you said that the Diamondback was such trash, that you wouldn't even include it in the comparison. So which one is it? Is the Diamondback trash for the price, or isn't it?

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