Home EOTech AR15 Optics: What To Use And Why! (BSC Talks EP4)

AR15 Optics: What To Use And Why! (BSC Talks EP4)


Andrew and Zack discuss use case for optics on modern sporting rifles (not just the AR). They discuss the various types of optic choices, why prices differ, and what they tend to lean towards being located in Central Ohio. *THIS IS AN OPINION, DON’T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH*

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  1. To your point at 15:18, stick with an absolute co-witness height mount, that way your cheek weld on the stock will be the same regardless of whether you're using your iron sights or your optic, which will create good muscle memory. That will help minimize poor alignment of your eye behind the optic, which you're talking about here. Then, if you don't want the front sight in the picture, just fold it down. All that being said, Holosun does state in their red dot specs that they are parallax free.

  2. Great talk half-assers!! On an AR, on absolute co-witness optics, the height above the flat top picatinny rail is 1.41" to the center of the glass. For lower 1/3 co-witness, height above the rail is 1.54" (adds 1/8" to mount height). To get height over bore (measurement from center of barrel to center of glass), add 1.21" onto those measurements (2.62" for absolute co-witness). This is a needed data point when entering your data into a ballistic calculator.

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