National anti-gun groups are dumping massive amounts of money into Maine as part of an effort to pack hearings and tip the scales in their favor. To save the Second Amendment in Maine, we NEED you to act NOW.
Leading anti-gun politicians and activist groups are doubling down on their extreme gun control demands. From waiting periods on legally made firearm purchases, to universal background checks, and gun registries, it has become apparent that these lawmakers will stop at nothing to strip you of your rights. In fact, these rabid calls for failed gun-control policies have only become more extreme. In a hearing this week, anti-gun activists demanded Maine lawmakers redefine semi-automatic weapons to “machine guns,” ban “assault weapons,” and ban any magazine that holds over 5 rounds.
To save the Second Amendment in Maine, we NEED you to act. Join fellow NRA members and Second Amendments supporters Thursday at for the “Save the Second Amendment Rally” at the Maine State House:
Save the Second Amendment Rally
Thursday, March 7th
Maine State House
Gun-rights supporters will move to the Judiciary Committee Public Hearing at 11:30AM
Gun rights supporters will be gathering between the Cross Building and the Maine State House. Supporters are encouraged to wear blaze orange and bring signs and flag to show their support our Constitutional rights. The rally will conclude at 11:15AM, and supporters will then move to the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary public hearing on LD 2224 and LD 2238.
LD 2224 seeks to implement Red Flag and Universal Background Checks in Maine. Both provisions have already been voted down this legislature, and Universal Background Checks were recently voted down by Maine voters at the ballot box.
If passed, this bill would require all “advertised” sales to be subject to background checks regardless of the relationship between the buyer and the seller to close the so-called “gun show loophole” and stop Mainers from selling firearms on Facebook. First and foremost, there is no gun-show loophole. All purchases through Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) are required to go through background checks regardless of location or where the sale takes place. Additionally, Facebook already bans firearm sales on their website, highlighting a further misunderstanding of firearm sales by the Mills administration. Finally, this bill puts Mainers at risk of becoming felons for the simple act of transferring a firearm to a family member, friend, or neighbor.
In addition to proposing failed Universal Background Checks, LD 2224 also seeks to expand Maine’s current Yellow Flag law to Red Flag “Extreme Risk Protection Order” laws. These laws strip citizens of their Second Amendment rights without due process based on weak and nebulous standards. If passed, Maine’s Red Flag law could strip Mainers of their Constitutional rights without a hearing and based on hearsay for up to 30 days. It does not include any penalties for erroneous accusations, allowing for an open season against gun owners in Maine.
LD 2238 delays Second Amendment rights by imposing a three-day waiting period before an individual may receive a firearm that they lawfully purchase, with limited exemptions. There is no evidence that waiting periods reduce violent crime. If passed, LD 2238 would deny the right of self-defense to abuse victims or any individual facing an imminent threat. Additionally, waiting periods would destroy Maine’s hunting tourism industry because guides would be unable to provide hunters with firearms and local firearm dealers would be unable to sell and transfer firearms in a timely manner.
For more details about the event, please contact Justin Davis, NRA Maine State Director, at [email protected]
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