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AR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v Cargil


AR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v Cargil

#cargill #atf #guncontrol

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(PROOF) The RACIST History Of Gun Control Colonies + Early States [Part 1]

Defensive Gun Use ends in CRIMINAL charges: Learn the Lessons [INTERVIEW]!

(Interview) MASSIVE: Sheriff tells ATF NO will STOP ATF agents!

When do PARTS become GUNS and YOU go to PRISON: Law of Constructive Possession+Intent

Contents of this video:

0:00 – Intro
1:59 – What is going on?
3:37 – Oral Arguments
9:01 – The Point
9:53 – Two important factors
11:15 – Analysis
14:42 – Quote of the Day

Attorney Tom Grieve is a former state criminal prosecutor from Wisconsin before eventually founding what is now the state’s largest criminal defense firm at more than 20 attorneys. In 2019 the firm expanded into family law and added a dedicated team of professionals to further serve clients with similar aggressive and proven strategies.

Beyond the courtroom, Tom has been interviewed and appeared in numerous media outlets, ranging from the New York Times, CourtTV, Fox News, Reuters, Washington Post, National Public Radio, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, among many others. He is a frequent Continuing Legal Education course speaker to teach lawyers and judges in developments and the law, both in Wisconsin and nationally. Finally, Tom has also presented across the country, both online and in person, concerning the law and culture to the public.

In addition to speaking engagements, Tom has also contributed to the national conversation in writing on emerging legal topics and has been published in Conceal Carry Magazine and elsewhere on multiple occasions. He also edited the book and contributed legal input on various other publications, including the “Wisconsin Guide for Armed Citizens” on behalf of the National Association of Certified Firearm Instructors.

Tom Grieve is recognized among the top Wisconsin and Milwaukee area lawyers. Recently named once again as a top Wisconsin criminal defense attorney, Tom was inducted into the “Wisconsin Rising Star” category by Super Lawyers (a nationally acclaimed attorney rating organization). He was also chosen as a “Top 100 Trial Lawyers” in Wisconsin by the National Trial Lawyers Association. Tom was also chosen for the “Top Attorneys of Wisconsin” by both Milwaukee Magazine and Madison Magazine.

To learn more, check out his law firm’s website a www.GrieveLaw.com

Legal Disclaimer: nothing in this video is offered as legal advice or a formation of attorney-client relationship. If you want to hire my firm to be a client, you need to do just that and hire us… not watch us on the internet. If that offends your delicate sensibilities, just stop and be an adult. If you are outside of Wisconsin and want an attorney, contact one near where you are and stop trying to blame the internet and other people for your problems. This video is for educational purposes only and any clips or images shown are under fair use.

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  1. I think we also need to consider the subtext of this decision in regards to the other cases. Now keep in mind I'm progun but there's an echo chamber that occurs in 2A-spheres and I want to share my thoughts.

    Starting with who signed the original order to ban bump stocks. Mathew Whitaker a progun Iowa lawyer and Trump loyalist. Why would a man like this go against an anti gun Dianne Feinstein aka the woman who wrote FAWB?

    Well that's simple, there is a concerted corporate push to upend federal agencies ability to regulate especially environmentally unless the regulations are spelled out by Congress. Hence the Loper Bright and Relentless cases.

    This push, included delaying/stacking the supreme court and an influence peddling campaign to the already on the bench conservative justices. These trifecta of decisions could completely gut regulations back to pre-1996 Congressional Review Act.

    There's a real possibility that this case is used to disenfranchise the citizens rights to clean water and air. Eventually political winds will change but in the meantime regulations are ignored and record profits are made. When the winds change, the Neolibs/Neocons come to a compromise and confiscate all firearms because we as a people are too sick to fight off confiscation. Because corporations and oligarchies don't like armed and organized citizens. Sure it sounds like a movie script but it's a very real possibility and we only get to tell our side once. The Pinkertons are very much alive and want a repeat of the aftermath of The Homestead Strike of 1892… And not The Battle of Blair Mountain.

  2. I see it clearly now. All of our clothing, curtain pulls, couches, sleeping bags, dog beds, shoes, hat bands and bead bracelets are machine guns, since they have cord involved. It makes perfect sense.

  3. Why is the Supreme Court getting involved in the mechanical details of a firearm?! A Supreme Court judge should scrap the NFA and everything thereafter that “regulates”!!! Instead of us watching this unconstitutional side-show we need to make our voices heard that treason is being committed and that all public servants will be tried for it.

  4. After listening to that again it sounds like Thomas knows exactly what he’s talking about and he’s trying to press the government on admitting that the trigger function is essentially unchanged.

  5. An attempt to ban semi automatics will be a red line. If successful then one might as well add that third pin because it won't matter. 5,600 a f t agents vs 20 plus million rifle owners guess who will win?

  6. The objective of the gun control agenda to me is crystal clear. And that is to turn the American gun laws into a replica of Great Britain and Australia where they can perform a massive confiscation of most firearms via mandatory buybacks, rigorous licensing and restrictions for guns that remain which will be much less, and strip away the right to self protection that the 2nd amendment guarantees so criminals can have free reign like the do in England and Australia in the name of socialism.

  7. Why is this even a discussion? Why does tax dollars pay for old rich people to argue semantics. The definition of a "machine gun" is fine the way it is.

    The supreme court and lawyers shouldnt be arguant about semantics on innanimate object but actually upholding laws including and most desperately the fact that none the current president or administration thinks there is such a thing as illegal immigration.or the fact the presidents son isnt in jail for posetion of an illegal weapon and highly illegal drugs.

    F-ing clown world. No wonder the world that used to respect us literally laughs at us. Im so tired of this drival.

  8. Gun grabbers watch YouTube to get ideas. I don't see your helping gun owners by offering professional advice regarding hypothetical arguments that you suggest are conspiracy worthy to the general public. To the contrary you're suggesting "novel" legal arguments to the gun grabbers.

  9. sooo holding a gun loosley and letting the gun flyaround in your hands…(bump stock) causes it to a be machine gun?? That AFT/Person talking to the judge is LYING to the judge about the trigger.

  10. Everything the Left pushes sounds like religious dogma. They believe or feel all of they're talking points. Remove machine guns, free speech or illegal immigration or whatever Progressive are pushing and say instead "What is Sin"? Now their arguments sound like dogmatic rhetoric that only true believers can understand and support.

  11. Where are the people on our side? Where are the arguments? Why are they not showing demonstrating to the Supreme Court how it actually works? Seems pretty simple to me. Show them how a machine gun works. Show them how a bop works. What’s the problem? I’m not understanding these ladies and gentlemen are certainly smart enough to understand a real demonstration. It would be glaringly obvious the difference.

  12. Doesn't the release of the sear for each round fired by the motion of the trigger make it a semiautomatic? Does a machine gun engage the sear between the diring between each round fired?

  13. the 2nd amendment was designed to prevent the use of organized crime by the government in power to target political enemies removal of 2a is the ultimate destruction of protecting political assembly.

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