Home AR-15 How To Maintain Your AR-15 (How Often & Where To Lubricate)

How To Maintain Your AR-15 (How Often & Where To Lubricate)


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  1. Eh, ive always run my AR's (and my Ak's, even my glocks) wetter than a whore on fleet week. Never ran into any problems. Strictly use Lucas extreme duty and that might be part of it as it tends to coat and 'dry' some, turning into a kind of semi hard film barrier.

  2. After every trip, i just dampen a rag with Ballistol and wipe it all down with no scrubbing or anything with a drop of it on the trigger springs. That alone saves so many future headaches.

    Seen too many people that don't clean it bragging it can keep running, it ain't worth the bragging rights. You just remind me of the people that haven't changed the oil in your car in 3 years.

    Rather overservice with clean oil then underservice.

  3. I clean after every range session, with work, kids, etc. it may be 4-6 months in between. However with the lubricant on the AR style I think was spot on. I also actually add a little lube to the rear of the BCG because in my mind it seems like the buffer spring would cause the buffer to move even slightly on the rear of the BCG

  4. It would be nice that you allow information/instructional videos like this to be downloadable. People would love to save resources like this as it is often hard to get hands-on instruction on some types of firearm maintenance.

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