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Great stuff guys!!! looks like lots of good info and fun. any recommendations on OWB holster and belt setup?
its so funny how everybody trains completely different lol most trainers ive watched will tell you to look when you holster because if you're holstering your gun that means your threat is gone. its like which is one right? lol
30:07 kaya struggling with his springfield echelon
camera pans over to jason with his sig running flawlessly
1:53 kaya, do you know how to shut up?
Erdal abim canik ttı combat incelemesini sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz
The game at the end is called `touch your buddy's hole`
Echelon choking out there. Great video
Wait did he say using a red dot can make you a better shooter. Thats not what I heard recently.
Glock is King! Glock mags never do that.
Gonna try some of those drills.
Thousandth like!
Love these training videos! Keep pushing these out. Great work
what brand of pants does the guy with the Chiron hoodie have on?
Love this training, great to do once a year as a refresher. Lets get a gear setup video from kaya, jason and aaron with there pistol and rifle as well
Damn Jason, precision shooting. nice job. great vid guys.
At those ranges a 12guage with 00 buck !
Looks like some good training! What kind of rail is on the ar15 in the thumbnail?
Great Video
Thanks for sharing 

Can I get the name of the training company? Live in Atlanta. Would love to get a lesson in. Retired Army Combat Infantry
Kaya adamsin nice shooting bro
Have a nice training day, Clint and Kaya.
Still like the dub step intro better.
Should of stayed his as home then smh
Good to see A-Aron out there training.
I would much rather be trained by a green beret because that’s what they actually do
Why does my man sound like Travis Haley? lol
I don’t know why everyone worships seal team 6 more than any of the other teams they do the same training
Looks like a great class.
Who’s the guy who’s face is to good to be seen on camera?
good stuff!
you need to train pistol with a level 3 holster. Most police departments no longer have open holsters.
A lot of range theatrics and seeming “tacticool.” Not actually pushing shooting skill or performance.
That was awesome and informative
8:20 milspec mojo said the same thing
It's fascinating to see how these elite soldiers handle their firearms with such proficiency, emphasizing the importance of continuous training and skill development. This video serves as a reminder of the dedication and expertise required to handle firearms effectively, whether in a professional or recreational setting. Truly impressive!