Rifle Training Drill
In this video, I wanted to share my experience with my Daniel Defense DDM4 V7P rifle. The “P” in the model name stands for pistol, but I actually converted it into a short-barreled rifle (SBR).
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a Travis Haley D5 carbine course, and let me tell you, it was a fantastic experience. I absolutely love participating in training courses like these and documenting my journey through videos for all of you to enjoy.
This particular video serves as a prelude to the content that will follow after the course. I’ll be sharing more videos and insights based on what I learned during the training. The rifle I used during the course was set up in a very specific way, which I’ll discuss in a future video.
What you’re about to see is footage from the end of the course, where we ran what’s called the Jack drill.
It’s a comprehensive drill that incorporates all the skills we learned throughout the course. It was challenging but incredibly rewarding.
In the video, I also address a common question: Is the D5 course considered entry-level or advanced?
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Thanks! Keep up the Great Work!!!
Where are you getting the Leupold lco these days sir? I really love my lco, but want another. I thought the stopped making them?
Great video once again Mr. Noir. I wish there were more affordable classes for the blue collar types out here. We would love to be able to do more to hone our skills, yet sometimes these courses can be a little pricey. Keep fightin the fight brother. Some day I will be a Ammo Sexual too. just gotta keep the lights on for now! lol
Is there a reason Colion is not running a vest or belt? The reload from the pocket seems awkward
I want to take a class like that!
What class is this and where
As soon as you sprinted 75-100 yards in a contact sittuation with no rounds going down range you died
Check kit reload
Rinse an repeat
Go home kiss the kids good night
Service the wife
Get your mag off the floor while in prone
Great video!
Love the hat Colion.
little over whelming all the ad spots
Great vid. Keep them coming
S/F Thanks for running with the man!
Thanks Colion. I am getting more interested in carbine or "big pistol" drills, so this was interesting.
Why are you just taking a rifle course with gym clothes on? At least get a Battle belt.
Why did you go with that model over other DD models like mk18 or m4a1
“Simple does not mean easy.” Been saying that for years.
So, can we or can we NOT "SBR our" <16inch rifles and get away with it publicly?
Pretty good work there Colion.
Excellent video! Not filled with a bunch of fluff – you boiled down the important parts and put them out there. Haley is a great trainer too! This drill was cohesive and realistic. I like that Haley mentions that it can be modified to suit the needs of various operators.
Nothing like "running and gunning" to make you find your weaknesses and correct them.
When I drop the mag. I would have left it on the ground. Putting it back in your belt. That only took time. That's my opinion. Yes, I know that I will get hate responses.
I was infantry for 8 years and this stuff i see on YouTube i dont know what it is
Ooorah!!! Semper Fidelis!!!
Solid drill. Been doing similar for many years based on real world demands. Really want to make your life suck. Same drill, in battle rattle, throw a body dummy/sandbag drag and carry in there.
Love your stuff but why did you go through the SBR route with your pistol? IYKWIM
Love the idea of sprinting so you're out of breath, that is crazy realistic!
Wish I had spare $800 to take this class and purchase the $1,500rds of ammo they asking you to bring
Ahh i see… you complied with the brace ban and got your free permission slip
Great stuff T%hanks for all your effort to share this content.
No idea if it needed or anything like that but tht daniel defense rifle IMO would look sick af with a certain grip maybe angled or the smaller fore grip!!
Really looking forward to this series!!
Travis is looking older. Oh, that means someone else is to. Time is a bitch man
Good foundational drill !
Good video
Nice run!
Colion ……….. you do a great job buddy !!!!
Boring and pointless.
as an fat old man I think I'll leave it to the youngins
Love this drill