Home CMMG GBRS CQB Knowledge Transfer

GBRS CQB Knowledge Transfer


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  1. You’ve never walked through a bum-fucked compound under nods have you brother? Stay in your lane kid.
    Or even better, go find an abandoned warehouse. One you’ve never stepped foot in. Let me and my homies wait for you. And you show me what’s up?

  2. Using this to walk across open thresholds or whatever else seems a bit ridiculous to me but for working a door handle, I could see the benefit. That is the only thing I can think of though lol.

  3. These vets with experience are just getting overboard with their unproven unused concepts to get views and make money. Never has their been an incident where that hsd been and will ever be used. Its getting ridiculous despite their vet status.

  4. For a bit of context he's actively shortening extended barrel length for the first couple critical shots with muscle memory. Close quarters in a tight corridor or something claustrophobic makes one wish for a foldable stock

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