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How many rounds of 308 will it take to “cut” down this tree???? Leave a guess below as we use the Leviathan Defense ODIN AR10 ironically outfitted with a wood AR gunstock by Boyds as our very loud and accurate chainsaw!

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This test is for educational purposes and is specifically filmed and produced in accordance with YouTube’s community guidelines. Dustin is a certified, licensed, and insured firearms instructor. Everything was filmed on a safe and closed range with all the proper safety precautions. Do not attempt to duplicate anything yourself.

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  1. This is blasphemous
    Why are you destroying gods creation for nothing?
    That tree was older than you
    As a Jewish man i find this appalling
    Use dummies
    Stop destroying gods creations
    I love guns and all
    But this is not cool at all in my eyes

  2. Join the army. Explain impact fysics. Hit targets far away . Do something interesting. America has too much uneducated morons that shoot trees all day long with assault rifles. Why trees? That requires absolutely no skill of any kind. You think people watch this crap because they are interested. It's more like the circus. You can show it to your children en tell them they will end that way if they don't do their best at school. Going through the uploaded video's from Dopey, Sleepy and Sneezy I felt a strange feeling of shame for watching this. I know there is money to be made here, but for the love of god, have some selfrespect and think about what you're actually doing to your familymembers. They are being ridiculed because of the crazy treekillers in the woods. Peace .

  3. And this Gents……is why the 308 Makes a fabulous addition to your home defense system. Its the round that is rated to obliterate wood, walls floor boards and joists and keep going into neighbors siding and wall studs and maybe your neighbors. 😮😂 lets avoid the neighbor part. 😂

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