Rifle scopes for beginners. Scope tips and buying suggestions for new scope buyers and shooters . Rifle scope buying can be a little overwhelming at times. I wanted to make a video breaking all of the long winded explanations down to short easy to understand tips . You can find more detailed information in my other videos . Links to some of the videos I think will be the most help have links below . Along with some saving tips from several manufacturers.
MIL vs MOA MIL and MOA Explained
Scope magnification explained Rifle Scopes For Beginners Magnification Explained
Rifle scope Zeroing. Rifle Scopes Explained Zeroing your Scope
Guys here are some links that will help you save some money and get you entered into giveaways and discounts on scopes .
ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . Just put the Combo Pack in your cart at checkout along with any Arken scope , use my code , and it will take $170 off the total price !! It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel . Link to Arken.
BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5%
SWAMPFOX OPTICS , use my code CYCLOPS to save 5% off any Swampfox purchase .
VALDADA OPTICS . Use my code when you call Valdada on the Phone and save 10% on any VALDADA purchase. Must be done by phone . Link to Valdada .
If you guys would like to help support my channel directly it would mean more to me and my channel than you can imagine , Thanks in Advance .
PAYPAL . Here is a link to my paypal account so you can help support my channel directly if you choose . You guys cannot know how much it means
Every video you see here is sponsor free . I accept no money or other compensation upfront for any review or video . Many times the item reviewed is donated to my channel , that’s how I can have so many giveaways to my viewership. Enjoy my channel , and share with your friends
Manufacturers contact email address fwb300dude@gmail.com
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Great video. Great way to get back to the basics for the new subscribers coming on and good review for the long time subscribers. Way to keep your base interested. The best advice that you have given for hunting scopes is high magnification is rarely beneficial. eEven tho it is tempting to buy the 5-25 power for not much more money. Generally the lower magnification usually always has a bigger field of view which will make it easy to find your target quickly. (target acquisition) If you have a 5-25x 50 scope set on 20 power and you shoulder your gun at a 100 yard distance target you can only see 4-5' of view through the scope but on 5 power you can see up to 30' area though the scope out at a 100 yards. So for me a lower magnification scope like 2.5-10 or 3-9 power scope is always better for a hunting rifle as rarely you are shouting much past 300 yards anyway. A good quality glass scope can give you a good image out to and beyond 500 yards anyway. Additionally most calibers after 400 yards becomes more about bullet drop and wind drift anyway. On the other end of the spectrum if all you do is punch paper targets from a bench rest at long distance with no worries about the target running behind a plum thicket a high power magnification scope could be for you.
Hate to sound like cheap a*s but how do you know it has good glass other than the price? Also when does good glass matter? I see scope range from 100 (hell some under that) to thousands. Kind of just looking for a solid range glass for like a 100-700 yards. Maybe not a good ideal to if I am mainly going to be at shorter distances (100-300) to have such a spread of 100-700 yards but I'm thinking I won't want to swap the scope if i ever do have the ability to shoot longer distances. I am grateful for video for giving me the knowledge on the options for scopes. Not really new to shooting but don't have a scope and unrelated I don't have a lot of red dots so knowledge on sights other than irons is pretty minimal. Of course in general I always like advice so I can improve skills and knowledge.
I’m that beginner because I was a tanker, and the 1 m4 we had on the tank was iron sights. Of course I had the 120mm Rheinmetal Smoothbore with sights, but alas, Gunners had to pull op also, over the hill, in the dark, with a fixed sight m4carbine. So, lay it on me brother. And before the smarta$$es reply, we didn’t have ground mount kits for the 240b’s at that time….
Great video
Simple … to the point = American Hero!
Question. I bought a Nightforce ATACR 4-16X42 (80 MOA elevation) and plan to zero at 100, and shoot out to 500 yards on an 18" barrel 5.56. I also bought a 20 MOA mount. Did i buy the correct mount? Should i have purchased a 0 MOA mount for this set-up? Thank you!
your video are great to the point help me understand scopes better thanks
Only 3.4 thousand likes on this video? That’s bullshit! I just sent it to at least ten gun guys. Thanks for your scope reviews. Don’t change your delivery style.
This is hands down the best video I have seen providing an entry-level review on rifle scopes. Unfortunately, I cannot share it with my 10-year-old grandson, who could really use it. If you ever edit a PG version, please let me know.
Thank you for the informative video. I'm a first time scope buyer and tring to do decipher specs on products with a layman's knowledge is not a good time. This video and it's comments helped me greatly. The basics is what i was looking for to help decide what and how i will be using it for. FFP vs SFP explained and understood.
Too fast, too much information for beginners to absorb. Not good
Is parallax an issue with a fixed power scope?
Why do some newer scopes have a tubular eyepiece rather than an conical shaped eyepiece?
My first scope educational video…thank you excellent presentation!
again…informative…easy to understand….& lmao…funny…thank u 4 great videos….
Your honesty and ability to dummy stuff down for some of us knuckle draggers is nothing short of legendary. Thank you sir.
So does more cost/money equal a better quality rifle scope?
Hi and thanks for the teachings , I’m in the process of buying a Ruger American 7,62×39 cal , I will mainly be
using this rifle within about 100 yards
and at times in poor lighting ! I want a scope that allows fast target acquisition and my question is ? What should I be looking for? I will be hunting coyotes and pigs and since have little or experience with scopes or red dots or whatever is best for me, could you please point me in the right direction ?? Thanks for the video have a great day ! Regard’s Gunner
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Very well designed and read video my friend, I have forgotten so much over the Decades about Dope and Optics and worst of all my favorite Mils. I only have one good Optic and should I try to get a backup if I happen to drop my Rifle or just change it up.? I was always Issued what I needed in the early 90’s and just got back into Shooting. Thank you Mr. Rhea for all your valuable Intel. Semper Fidelis