Home AR-15 Scouting Report 47 – WO Bonus Pack #15 Unboxing

Scouting Report 47 – WO Bonus Pack #15 Unboxing


A quick! unboxing of ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #15 (2024) featuring four new scenarios and three new Deluxe ASL boards (p/q/r). Proceeds from the sales of each WO Bonus Pack #15 are donated to the WWII Foundation.

Scouting Report 47 – WO Bonus Pack #15 Unboxing
0:00 – Thanks, Supporters!
0:29 – The Cover/Rules
1:34 – The Scenarios
4:22 – The Boards
6:40 – Final Thoughts (told you it was quick!)

Where to order:






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  1. I've purchased (not yet received), but don't plan unwrapping. DASL feels like a completely different game, one that is not necessarily appealing to me. The WWII foundation donation is the main driver of my purchase.

  2. With so many things to acquire in ASL, one of the few things from MMP I've decided not to pick up is deluxe… though I admit I've yet to try a scenario. As you mention, just too many scenarios. Thanks for the coverage!

  3. I played a few deluxe scenarios about 18 years ago when Beyond Valor was impossible to get hold of. Inexplicably, I managed to get hold of SoF and HH for a song on eBay. I hated it because I couldn't get my head round the ranges, LOS, and so on, what with the huge hexes. I scanned the boards, and printed them off at close to normal hex-size, and the game was transformed. Although if you're used to making your units tab across 30 hex boards, deluxe ASL may seem a little claustrophobic.

  4. After recently buying the ASL Deluxe box for an incredible price during the MMP sale, Ive been playing a few scenarios. I've enjoyed the games I've played on Vassal. It's different but fun.

  5. I'd be fine trying more Deluxe ASL, you never know. One small critique of your new camera setup, videos are a little washed out, might be the lighting? Camera is definitely nice and HD, picks up every little detail, so clear.

  6. I, too, am not fond of the Deluxe boards, but it's a gut reaction that I cannot put into words. I started wargaming in 1965, and the only non-hex game I ever enjoyed playing was the original Gettysburg, but I ceased playing that as soon as hex versions were published. I bought Tactics II, but I never played it because of its use of squares instead of hexes. It's just a bias, I guess, but "standard" sized hexes are the only way for me with board games.

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