Home EOTech OGL and VUDU X Line | Eotech | Shot Show 2024

OGL and VUDU X Line | Eotech | Shot Show 2024


Andrew and JB talk about Eotech‘s new OGL and VUDU X Line!

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  1. Aaron Hampton did Eotech no favors when he prematurely ejaculated the OGL price and release date. It’s vaporware at this point and its competition will chip away at its performance innovation. Please refrain from flexing on podcasts people;)

  2. see business will alway be business companies can bring down the price jus like how they raise the price whenever they want it's childish business's but we grown in this business to not question why it's not the technology or how superior one technology is better than other why is that China or hell Russia who's tech companies aren't as good as USA or China yet still make stuff for their whole population yet in the USA we have to budget for the poor n rich n the elites gets the fancy tools n toys right off the bat it's funny how America say they for the common man but it's jus a lie sorry not sorry look around at shot show see what's for the common man n is it worth the same as brand new shit lol

  3. there's been an illumination technology similar to LASER but different enough to avoid FDA regulation for a few years now. multiple other big name companies use it, but none have produced a compelling model with it. check out Brass Facts' other channel, The Nova Group for a good video about the possible promising civ legal laser units from this year's shot show

  4. Would love to see a SFP Vudu in a 1-8 or 1-10 with a simple duplex or #4 reticle made in the same factory with the same glass and same ruggedness as the standard Vudu. Would make for an excellent competitor to the Leupold Patrol 6.

  5. You all are basically catching all the awesome stuff we all want to see at shot… however if you all spot some more NV/Thermal optics I personally would love to see what’s new.

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