Home AR-15 What is your experience working through order issues with Arken Optics?...

What is your experience working through order issues with Arken Optics? Comment below.



In this video i discuss some common themes or topics related to complaints with Arken Optics customer service. (1/2024).
What is your experience? Share with a comment


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  1. The longest wait time I've had was four days. That was in the fall before the black friday/holiday rush. When things are running smoothly and they aren't completely slammed they are extremely fast. As far as emails, they answered a question I asked last week in less than 24 hours. That's excellent as far as I'm concerned. Good point about USPS. Depending on the distribution center involved it could take weeks. If you have a tracking number pursue it with USPS. If they say they don't yet have the package, they probably do and it's sitting in a bin somewhere waiting to be scanned again. I assure you it's worth the wait.

  2. Exactly what I thought this video would be, defending the Arken company and blaming the consumer because they are inquiring as to why they are still waiting for their product they ordered long after the lead time Arken claimed it to be!

    You keep making excuses as this is a small company that does not have the capacity employee wise to handle the CS inquires, I would go further and say if Arken did NOT have so many issues with incorrectly advertised lead times and selling products with issues that require a fairly high number of their customers to need to contact CS TO request warranty replacement or service.

    You go on multiple forums along with plenty of internet search results it is no problem to find plenty of examples of issues concerning Arken, shipping, quality control, crappy glass and it being very hard to get hold of Arken to rectify any of these issues.

    So if the company is so small as to not be able to handle it business obligations such as customer service just how much confidence does that give to a consumer concerning the lifetime warranty claims from a company that's CS reputation is already driving consumers away from dealing with them?

    Again go on many forums classifieds and look at the number of Arken scopes people are trying to dump for a number of issues most being dissatisfaction with the optical quality after listening and believing you tube shills saying how great these scopes were comparing them to $1500 scopes to the one that has already had to send theirs back to Arken twice and figure they will unload this third scope BEFORE it fails again.

    Arkren and their shills are responsible for these issues not the consumer trying to get what they were promised.
    I would not be surprised to see Arken in a few years be only a memory if they continue their current trends and then their Lifetime warranty will not be worth the paper it is written on but the company with the big V and the big L will still be doing things like they should be done from a CS standpoint.

    Shitty CS has ended many companies across a broad spectrum of categories over the years.

  3. I have 5 Arkens. It took me about a month to get each one. I went to order another one last fall for a new gun. The lead time was too long so I ordered a different brand. P.S. you waving your arms around is very distracting.

  4. Arken is a good company with a great product that will only get better with time.
    They will get caught up and all will be fine.
    Just chill out people, you got a great deal on a great product.

  5. I bought their new EP8 LPVO about a month ago when it was still $299…after seeing a review on another channel. At order I was told the back log would take 6 weeks. However it arrived in 8 days. The zero MOA mount I ordered at the same time however, took about 3 weeks. Their customer service answered every inquiry I made and I am very pleased with the experience. BTW the EP8 is excellent!!!

  6. They have been great for me! I ordered a LPVO when they first came out, yes it took far longer than they said. I didn’t even reach out to them and they sent me a code for a free muzzle break as a thank you for being patient. Then when I got the scope the good ol usps had run it over with the truck, literally! I took pics and emailed Arken and they sent a new one out next day! I have 2 lpvo, a epl4, an ep5 and 2 sh-4’s they are great! People need to call themselves a little and be patient!

  7. Give this company some time to grow. I bought my ELP4 on Black Friday off Amazon and it was shipped right away. I may have paid a few more dollars but what the heck it’s still a fantastic scope for the money! I will be buying more of them.

  8. Give this company some time to grow. I bought my ELP4 on Black Friday off Amazon and it was shipped right away. I may have paid a few more dollars but what the heck it’s still a fantastic scope for the money! I will be buying more of them.

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