The Kentucky gun shop that sold the AR-15 used to kill five people at a Louisville bank is facing a lawsuit from survivors and families of the victims.

The Kentucky gun shop that sold the AR-15 used to kill five people at a Louisville bank is facing a lawsuit from survivors and families of the victims.
So every ar 15 owner is a mass shooter that hasn’t happened yet?
Hell, sue the bullet company. Sue the manufacturer of the first aid kit that didn’t save them
Sue car dealerships for injuries sustained in collisions!
I’m suing restaurants as their commercials are showing me how to eat….and now I’m fat!
You can believe somewhere is a leftist politician behind this. The fact that they are trying it is to see how far it will go. Once it happens it will continue to happen until gun stores close. See they cannot take your second amendment right without much push back. So their logic is to get rid of the stores. If the stores go away you can’t buy a gun and they can’t be used. What they fail to see is a criminal don’t care where they get their gun from.
This is a ridiculous lawsuit.
So we can sue Ford when a drunk driver kills 2 people in a bronco?
I can now sue the UAW for physically making a car for a drunk driver. The International Union is the first line of defense.
How about sue the individual and his family and not the firearm?! Dumbass!
Blamimg the gun shop is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
But he passed a FBI background check before the gun store made the sale….why not sue the government also.
Bahahaha. Inexperience isnt a red flag you tools! What a joke you fucks are!
Counter sue the families for everything. This is ridiculous.
So the FFL dealer was supposed to be a psychology major and psychoantalize this person before selling him a gun ……this is totally ridiculous
Use that logic every time a DUI driver unalive someone in a crash the liquor store, club, or bar should be held responsible.
So he was a felon
Can we sue Africa for all the crimes committed by Africans ???? Same insanity
This case will fail.
The lawyers pushing this case should be disbarred
Make sure you sue the donut shop that gave you diabetes also