I break down one of my main two handguns I’m running at the moment. To be perfectly clear, regarding the Radian Ramjet and Afterburner, I love it on my handgun. I do not regret buying it, I just think that the advantages it provides are ever so slight that until you’re REALLY trying to increase your performance with 10ths and 100ths of seconds, you’d get more of an advantage out of more ammo and more range time. Again, I am glad I bought one, and I would recommend it if you are looking for that edge at a high level of performance.
Gen 5 Glock 19
Radian Ramjet and Afterburner
Radian Guide Rod and 15lbs Spring
Trijicon RMR
Glock Performance Trigger
Streamlight TLR-7

This video editing is definitely GUCCI
how much was your whole setup?