Home Nikon 2024 Camera Predictions! The Year of NIKON?

2024 Camera Predictions! The Year of NIKON?


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Nikon, Sony, Canon, DJI, Fujifilm, Pentax, Lumix! What will they innovate next? Tony & Chelsea Northrup discuss the very near future of cameras and photography by predicting which cameras will be released in 2024. Some predictions are based on reliable rumors and some are based on hopes and dreams!

0:00 Intro
0:50 Pentax
2:05 Lumix
4:10 OM
5:44 DJI
9:45 Nikon
15:51 Sony
20:26 Canon
26:21 Fujifilm
31:15 Chelsea’s Hopes & Dreams
32:42 Fart

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  1. 2024 prediction: The capitalist economy is imploding. Capitalist camera makers know that most people can barely survive, let alone spending money on cameras. Therefore, no good cameras, worthy for you to spend your hard earned money on will be made in 2024. This is the very reason why DPReview shuttered their operation early on because they knew what is coming down the pike, namely zero new cameras to review, whereas reviewing new cameras is the basis of DPReview.

  2. @TonyAndChelsea Been following you guys for years and love your work. Can you please do something about the audio on your podcasts. I have to turn my stereo way up to hear Tony and then when Chelsea speaks I damn near go deaf. I end up driving down the road with my hand on the volume knob. :-/ Maybe your sound guy needs to take some audio engineering classes… 🙂


  3. My advice for camera companies is to put software hdr optimization in ur cameras… Then it will be very difficult to beat by smartphones…. Dedicated Cameras are still in demand, even I bought nikon zf and two dx lenses and I use s22 ultra…. Dedicated camera still has that feel which smartphones can't replicate

  4. Tony, given your background, I'm really surprised you don't mention how appalling Sony is at software. I believe it's very Achilles heel because DJI, maybe Cannon and Nikon will get on this bandwagon, in the same way that Apple have, and they will create a UI, and computational photography, which, when combined with really quality, senses, and lenses will blow all other manufacturers, including Sony, and a global shutter, out of the water. An AI chip with a half reasonable sensor and lens with suitable software will easily dominate the very best of just any sensor that Sony will produce.

  5. Quite honestly if Nikon drops the guts of the Zf into a Z5 body at a good price that would meet most of my needs to upgrade my Z6.
    A cool retro/creator design would be to make a TLR style box camera with a square 24mm sensor. Screen on top could flip forward for vlog self production. Flat for TLR type shooting and back to shoot hand held.

  6. 23:50 A 100 megapixel fullframe camera will run into diffraction from f/5.6 onwards. In fact a 50MP camera already is in diffraction territory at f/8. So I'm not sure how useful this is.

    But then, marketing doesn't usually concern itself with whether something is useful.

  7. Hi Guys, Love your youtubby channel :-)! I've always been a Canon user, started with Ftb back in the 1970's. However, and I might be (hopefully) proven wrong, but I suspect that Canon are considering staying in the camera game. Big call, but when they seem to siting on their hands, not coming out with more new models/lenses – unlike Sony and Nikon. With the shock dropping of digital camera buyers, it must be worrying sign for digital camera manufacturers, whether to keep investing in the digital camera market.

    I hope I'm wrong, but just my 2c worth.



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