Home EOTech AKFIRE 558 style Airsoft red dot (EOTECH clone), review

AKFIRE 558 style Airsoft red dot (EOTECH clone), review


Hey everybody welcome back to another episode of Muddy Reviews, in this video we are checking out the AKFIRE Airsoft 558 redot sight (EOTECH clone). These Black and FDE versions both came from Amazon and were surprisingly good replicas for the price.

I picked these up because I was looking specifically for a decent-quality 558 replica for Airsoft use. During my initial look the AKfire Eotechs all seemed to be of marginal to poor quality from all of the Amazon reviews I saw on these so I wrote them off and then after talking to a friend of the channel @Stuka83 I realized I had pretty much made my mind up prematurely so I bought one. I liked it well enough that we now have 3, 2 in FDE and 1 in Black. I will say the black is a little less impressive because the finish is not nearly as matte as another 558 replica we have coming to the channel soon.

I have to point out that the link I will provide to the AKFIRE Eotech 558 is an Amazon Affiliate link so if you choose to follow it you will be providing the channel with a few crumbs and pennies from the Amazon overlords for the channel to help with our growth over the long haul, we really do appreciate it. The link can be found here:

Now you will see in the Amazon listing the optics show to not be trademarked at all and that was exactly what I saw when I bought mine surprisingly they showed up fully trademarked. Your mileage may vary on this and it may not show up with trades it may show up with trades I do not know. What will matter is if it is the same model I received it will have decent back glass, a tolerable reticle, and a decent finish and look good on your Airsoft replica. I 100% do not recommend these for use on your real AR15 or AK. If you want an Eotech for that then buy a real EOTECH these are for the BB LARPING life.

All in all, I think the AKFIRE EOTECH 558 repro is pretty decent and I am quite happy with my purchase(s) and think you will be too. Especially if you have some Amazon gift cards burning a hole in your pocket. As always folks I hope this review was helpful for you and you got something out of this, get out there and play some Airsoft, LARP smarter, Not harder, and above all else take care.

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  1. Nice review Muddy!
    Sadly those arent available via amazon up north. Amazon has a poor choice of such things up here.

    The last cheap eotech i bought was years ago.. ended up selling it the back window was tinted dark and it was just impossible to see out off.. could see the crosshair really great.. but not whatever was in front of ya. Looking forward to you next review!

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