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Everything he brings out is heat

That Blackout is sick!
I built my ar pistol with a binary
The Sam7k has the closest specs to a Krinkov I need that my boi
The amax
What was other one that show the blast sparks
U got the title wrongβ¦ur showing us AK s nothing chambered in 5.56
Maanneee, I love your choice in firearms bro fr

but to answer your question, Iβd most def have to go w the honey badger and the galil. No doubt! Theyβre all gorgeous tho fs!
God bless!! Best of wishes and many prayers!!
I thought the honorable mention would be the micro Draco remember you had a few of those lol
Arsenal has 2 safeties?
Oh more history for you!! Your Q honey badger the reason why that was built and manufactured. The government want to replace the SMG MP5SD the integrated suppressed SMG. Born the honey badger 300blk. They wanted to replace it not because of the 9mm ballistics it was because of body armor technology was getting better. But still until today special forces across the world still use PPC/SMG look at our own United States Army units use the new PCC/SMG by B&T
Obviously, you donβt know the history of a PCC/SMG. Thereβs world data and decades on information on PCC/SMG. Oh anti-terrorism teams across the world. SAS, Navy seal, to name a few. So for you to say itβs not practical you are out of your mind or donβt know your history. And by the way, these PCC/SMG they fought against enemies that carry 7.62Γ39 or 7.62Γ54 as well.
Ninjas love ar pistols boy
Sb tactical makes the brace for them and they sell it to the public it fits on any ar lower the one for the public is a different color tho !
NICE collection! My favorites in my collection are the ADM UIC Mod 2 Wylde pistol in .223/5.56 and the CZ Scorpion with their mods.
Honey badger pretty nice
I almost got a scorpion,but it felt way to cheep for a 1,000 dollar's!
Thers a buncha better pcc's the legendary MP5 to start, the banshee to name a cupl. It all depents on one's opinion, but the mp5 is king!
Iβm trying to be like you
Does Galill use there own proprietary manufactured mags
wow wow i'm gonna watch this every weekend i forgot all my problems for a minute best collection i want a
Bro always coming with the pressure
Sig rattler 300 bo for the win
That LWRC SMG.45 is on my wish list.
only thing throwing this off is the olight for me, ig itβs all user preference. other than that beautiful guns
Crazy seeing olights on such expensive firearms.
The galilβ¦. but the 300 blk out AR is what I would go with
mixed feelings?? nah those cz scorpions are valid!!
Ive been a 300 Blkout guy myself, Honey Badger for me.
OB I would to see you link up with GHG, Rambo Jay and Chris TV to shoot yall AR pistols and AK pistols that would be a cold video
I see you travel to a lot of the gun shows, it be nuts to see you at the one in Memphis tomorrow bro
I like my 9mm pcc. Utas U9, itβs for home defense, accurate and low recoil. I got a house filled with people, a wife and three kids , 11, 13 and 18 I wanted something that wonβt over penetrate.
I feel like your mo is just spend as much money as possible and get the biggest loudest shiniest most absurd purchases I'm not complaining but your definitely that guy
Definitely the Galil
I bet the 300 black out boy was on you
Got sum
Good video! I just wanted to give some constructive criticism. Please do not refer to the ATF as rule makers. The AFT is nothing more than a law enforcement agency. We as a nation do not have to abide by their opinion. Just saying let's not refer to them other than what they are because this could start a trend, an idea that they have more power than they do.
Galileo Ace all day bro. I have one luv my Galileo
gotta go with galil and the honey badger.
So we can have pistol braces again ?
I knew u was gonna show the cz scorpion when u was saying that I love my cz scorpion I have the same one and same color itβs my favorite pcc that I own at this time was thinking about buying a second one and sbr it
Sadly I live in a Safe Act State so can't have any, but upon breaking out of the City my # 1 is the Honey Badger, 2nd would be the Galil ACE
Stopped watching after seeing the Honey Badger, especially with the Olight to add insult to injury lmaoo. Owned an HB. Shit was garbage and unreliable. Good luck tho!
Zpap 92 for ak and 12.5 IWI zion are my babies but honey badger is probably the sexiest and sig rattler is probably the one I want the most rn.
Pcc suck lol