Home CMMG 308 WIN: 4 Reasons You NEED One 3 Reasons You Don’t

308 WIN: 4 Reasons You NEED One 3 Reasons You Don’t


In today’s video we will be going over the 4 reasons that you need a 308 Winchester and 3 reasons why you may want to avoid it. Thanks for watching!

Be AR style brass catcher:

This list is by no means comprehensive, so let me know if there are any other reasons why you would or wouldn’t want a 308 in your collection.

As always these tests are meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not try any of these tests at home! The quantities listed on Midway were accurate at the time of recording but they may not reflect the most up to date quantities. If you choose to reload, always make sure to use reputable manual or online resource. Contains affiliate link to Amazon.

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  1. For us reloaders, can we also point out the versatility of the projectile itself? You can use, for instance, a 168gr HPBT projectile to load a .300 Blackout, a .308 Win, a 30-06, or a 300 Win Mag. The versatility of cartridges is hard to beat with this caliber, especially when you can use the same projectile across such a varied range of uses.

  2. My thoughts as a hunting round are, 308 is the cartridge name and the recommended distance. Beyond that, in North America, I’d recommend a magnum round larger than a 6.5mm bore. As a deterrent, a 308 or the likes of a 6.5 Creedmoor in a AR-10 chassis would get the job done…. I’ve spent my entire life hunting deer, elk, bear, a single moose, and various varmints, while living in California, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Oregon. So, your mileage will vary as will your choice of cartridges. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. My loyalties are so bifurcated, I built 2 AR-10s, one in 308 & one in 6.5 Creedmoor I took my moose with one round of a WW-I, 8mm Mauser.

  3. Only reason I bought a 308 was because I was given 700 pieces of brand new brass for free and figured might as well get into a new project. One thing I’ve learned us that .308 diameter bullets BC’s are garbage until you get into heavy weight bullets, and we all know that in the 308 win you cannot push heavy bullets fast. I only shoot out to 500 yards and the drop at that range is just garbage. Wish I would have just bought a 7mm-08 and converted the cases I got for free.

  4. I live on a very limited budget and I do reload for long range shooting but where I hunt deer in Michigan a shot longer than 100 yards is rare. That being said I do like to shoot out to 1000 yards for fun and like you said the 6mm cartridges will perform better they also burn through barrels much faster than I can afford.

  5. Are there better bullets out there? Yup. But when the SHTF, your chances of finding 308 is way higher than finding a good portion of the others.

    I was surprised how well 6.5 Grendel did…

  6. The best reason to own a .308 – an AR10. I have plenty of AR15's and what I call an AR10 Magnum (300WM beast variant… woah), but my AR10 light builds with 16" match barrels is the perfect all rounder. Plenty accurate out to 600yrds with my reloads. When SHTF, it's my go-to. Pew pew.

  7. 0:35 Shooting CONCRETE* blocks can be dangerous too. Do not try any of these test at home!

    * You try calling 338 Lapua, a 308 and see if people are not commenting 😅

    I know rest of video they were called concrete, just kidding.

  8. Why must you join the yuppie bandwagon and declare 6.5 Creedmore as a standard to judge 308 Winchester against? That stupid 6.5 Creedmore is a new cartridge that comes kinda close to approximating a cartridge that it’s based off of from the early 1950’s. Think on that a minute, 308 still ain’t been beat, and certainly not by some yuppie cartridge that’s ALL hype. I love the 308 Winchester and would consider a 7mm-08 or better yet a 25-08, but I don’t like something that claims to be more accurate but is it really?, and more powerful, but is it really?, and better but is it really?, no. It achieves similar velocities with lighter bullets, oh shit why aren’t the yuppies going on about 223 Remington and 70gn bullets? Gonna fly straighter it over stabilized enough than 62 gn and buck the wind better than a more appropriate length bullet for it’s caliber. They shouldn’t be compared, the 308 is a grand daddy to them all and still holding its own, which is ahead of your LGB Creedmore

  9. Yah but why have one bullet that can do a most things moderately ok instead of a few different bullets that can do certain things really really well also cough cough 1952 cough cough older then the B.U.F.F. cough

  10. And there's one positive for .308 that ends all arguments.

    The M14/M1A comes in .308. It is an 800 yard battle rifle (not 500 yards, wtf where did that bogus number come from).

  11. .308 ROCKS! NATO knows it, the enemy knows it, we ALL know it! I would be more than interested in how many civilians, regularly shoot well beyond 500 yards. And for the record, even among all of the GREAT videos from BB, this one has to be among the top five!

  12. I've always looked at high preformance catridges as catering to a niche market for target shooters and long range hunters. Anything over 450 yards check the new hotness. Anything under 450 yards a .308 will do just fine and much cheaper plus you don't necessarily need to reload with the benefit of 8k-10k rounds of barrel life. 6.5CM can do all of this however needs a little longer barrel to match the velocity and has half or less than half the barrel life.

  13. No talk about the relationship between 22lr and .308? 22lr ballistics multiplied by 4 equal .308 ballistics closely. So you can even practice at backyard ranges with cheap ammo. Thats a HUGE plus for me

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