Home AR-15 New Update: ATF Pistol Brace Rule (Is It Going Away?)

New Update: ATF Pistol Brace Rule (Is It Going Away?)


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  1. Here is an interesting mental legal exercise.

    One of the primary reasons the ATF claims for making SBR and SBS weapons "illegal without a tax stamp" is because of their concealable nature. Most states allow concealed weapons with or without a permit. The ATF law/rule directly conflicts with those state laws that allow concealed weapons. It would be interesting for states to challenge the ATF based on their comments about "conceal-ability" vs the state laws that ALLOW for concealed weapons as a way to get the rule/law against SBR and SBS weapons to be declared Unconstitutional.

  2. Did he actually say "Law"???
    No!!! It's was an Unconstitutional "Rule"!!!
    Even local police said it was a Overreach, and they would not enforce it!!!
    OUR Crooked Government needs to be reduced by 90% for many reasons!!!

  3. The opportunity were missing here is the approach … so let ATF say they are SBRs … but they are in common use ! Voila now we can put a stock on it like we almost all like and call it a day !

  4. Sbr’s and supressirs should just be legal without tax stamp. That being said I’ve never seen anyone use a brace as it “was intended” to be used. The youtube gun culture does as much damage to 2a as atf. Braces being shouldered and glock switches get clicks at the detriment to 2a

  5. So if I put the buffer tube of a piston on my shoulder it’s improperly using it and it’s now an SBR? That’s the logic you are using when saying people were misusing the pistol braces. That idiot logic is the reason we are here in the first place. If you put the brace on your shoulder that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a brace. You could logic your way into saying all AR pistols are SBRs because theoretically you could shoulder the buffer tube.

  6. Yes, its gone and never coming back. Good riddance to this tyrannical BS "rule". DO NOT SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ATF BY BUYING TAX STAMPS!! YOU people are the problem for funding them!

  7. If shouldering a braced pistol magically changes it into an SBR, that same analogy means that driving a car on a dirt road magically changes it into a 4X4 truck?

  8. First of all…there are millions (probably close to 30 million) of braces, not thousands!!
    Second, the brace itself is not illegal to own..just putting it on a shorter than 16” OAL barreled rifle.
    Just to be clear

  9. First of all, I think banning a gun based on barrel length is pretty stupid. How does reducing barrel length make a gun more lethal? I know the lack of a stock (or collapsible stock) can make a gun easier to conceal, but what about the device that allows an AR to be folded at the buffer tube? Despite this common sense, as written, the original NFA of 1934, a rifle with a barrel less than 16 inches is a short barrel rifle, and is restricted. Even if the pistol brace ban is eliminated, the use of a pistol brace as a shoulder stock should fall under the pistol brace ban. If there is a legitimate handicap and the brace is used on the forearm as designed, that should be the only legal use of the brace. If short barreled rifles are removed from the NFA list, then “pistol braces” become perfectly legal to shoulder.

  10. A brace is a brace. And a stock is a stock. They look similar, but are not the same. Let's just stop right there.
    You can't add a stock to a rifle/pistol with a barrel less than 16", as per 1938 legislation. But a brace is not a stock, as per prior ATF opinions (they can't legislate), so you can add a brace to a rifle with less than 16" barrel. Just stop, full stop, right there. No more rulings needed. 😎👌

  11. I can't be the only one that thinks that they should stop loking at the surfaces problem (pistol braces) and reexamine the idiocy of the illegality SBRs. That would make the whole ruling unnecessary.

  12. And the last comment on going to leave is what the hell is the difference if they want to classify it as a short barrel rifle with one little attachment it still shoots the same powerful round is the rifle even though it's shorter and will do the same amount of damage and most people that are shooting it aren't shooting it 8000 yards with a sniper scope they're doing it at a moderate range and for most of the videos that I've seen on YouTube it's criminals that have these and they really need the brace because they're swinging them around everywhere shooting everything but their enemy and I think the best video I've seen was the gangster Thug that pulled his out of his pants and accidentally fired it as it was coming out because he put his finger on the trigger or in the trigger guard Loop or whatever it's called and neutered himself what Geniuses and people like that I'm sure don't have permits or background checks or even allowed by law to possess that type of weapon in the first place I got to quit I've done left several aggravated messages because people are just stupid Beyond the range of what I thought could be reached

  13. I've also seen people that had our Pistols that were putting what look like Nerf gun stocks on them to use them as braces with cushioning I don't know if they were illegal that would be technically an AR brace because it's a toy but maybe because the way they installed it it would be so much more deadly straight off a Nerf gun with some duct tape and what look like a piece of a top of a crutch

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