Home AR-15 Breaking: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Dead?!

Breaking: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Dead?!


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  1. Correction: SBRs can be taken off of the NFA registry if notification is provided to ATF and the firearm returned to a legal, non-NFA configuration. This has been the case for many years.

  2. People aren’t seeing the forest for the trees here. This is a petty issue to win. They let us have this while they are removing ammo and heaver restrictions. The ATF is adding every day to a list of firearms and owners. The list goes on and on. Pay attention to the bigger issues.

  3. I have a handful of AR pistols. I use them out in the country in the middle of nowhere.
    That is where I set up my range. I never stopped using my braced pistols.
    I will continue to use them regardless of the outcome.
    The people who tried to register AR pistols are probably pissed. They are now on the radar of the AFT.

  4. Isn't it just wonderful how the government uses the tax money that they appropriate under duress from our incomes to fight so hard to litigate our rights away. It just goes to show that they really have determined that our "rights" are really privileges.

  5. *Question*… If ~300k stun guns qualifies as "Common Use" [Caetano v. Massachusetts] to the point of allowing such devices to be unsubjugated by Feds, why is no one bringing this up with Short Barreled Rifles when there are 532k SBRs regisetered with the ATF in 2021? Seems like a slam dunk to get rid of the red tape under common use.

  6. I don’t understand why some people think SBR’s are more lethal than a full size rifle. They should remove the NFA on those too. Also the suppressors. Why can’t we have something that protect our hearing.

  7. Are you guys sure? Is there a chance it'll get sent to a "liberal leaning" appeals court somewhere and all of a sudden it's illegal again? Might just be better to run it with the tube only until it makes it's way to the U.S Supreme court or Congress does something about the ATF because who knows anymore with these fools.

  8. Imo the problem isn't the gun being registered, the problem is the gun owner is registered forever. Even if they sell or destroy their nfa item, 10 years from now an antigun government could decide to visit every name on the nfa registry and take everything they currently have.

  9. Is there any available case data where the ATF has successfully prosecuted ANYONE who either put a stock on rifle less than 16” without a tax stamp or ANYONE who did not remove a pistol brace ???? All of this analysis and fear mongering on 2A rights (Liberties) are based on what enforceable compliance with the government???? Where do we find the data on ATF prosecutions ???? Seriously, where?

  10. They wanted pistols on the NFA, and "Short Barreled Rifles" or
    shotguns were expected ways to illegally obtain unregistered pistols,
    so they put those on the list as well. So when pistols were taken of
    the NFA, SBR classification was rendered useless.

  11. A big "na na na na na na, ne ner ne ner ne ner 😊😂😢" to all of you who took the "free tax stamp". You only serve to legitimize an over reaching govt bureaucracy that wants to micro manage your life…..

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