Lucas and Brandon shoot several barricade drills at 100 meters utilizing a magnifier to see how it improves their accuracy.
00:00 Intro
00:35 First Drills
01:20 Hits from First Volley
01:53 Reset Position Drill
03:50 Recoil Control Volley
04:08 Hits
04:53 Five Position Drill Magnified
06:01 Five Position Drill Unmagnified
07:03 Hits
08:06 Rifles Overview
09:11 Vert Grips Suck… For This
12:08 Find A Range to Shoot Distance

I want to see the paint jobs on these carbines. The greens mixed with fde look sick
Sounds like fun to me!
Are the builds supposed to be different or the same? Cause Lucas's is over gassed. And the other guys is pretty under gassed.
100 meters = 109.361 yards <3
This issue isn't necessarily going to a range that has 100 meter targets; but rather going to a range that allows you to actually move and shoot. The range I go to actually goes out to 200 m/yds but you have to be behind a "firing line" and can't do drills involving moving to different positions.
could anyone please tell me what is his T-shirt brand? where to buy the same T-shirt he is on ?
The Juliet 5x micro magnifier works awesome paired with a Romeo 5 XDR green dot on my AR. It's inexpensive, sturdy, the weight isn't bad and the eye relief is tolerable. I feel like any magnification past that would be better suited using a scope instead.
Simple: If you plan on engaging people at long ranges you want a magnifier, lpvo or acog. At shortish distances go with the red dot. People keep making all of this stuff way too complicated.
Been debating putting a magnifier on my UH-1 (I love it. waay better than EO-Tech's.. in like the 3 ways they're marginally different). I'm torn between a good ole 3x and a 5x or 6x though, thinking more along the lines of mimicking LPVO 1-6's and getting solid target identification all the way out to the 4-600yard maximum tip-toe range of the rifle.
Philosophy for me is like, IF you need a magnfier, then you NEED a magnifier. Maybe not inside of 150yrds, which is generally where people would flip up their 3x but you're generally just as accurate there and still have gud-e-nuff target ID as demonstrated here but like moving to 300 and up, 6x is more than worth it and, at that point, the lesser eye-box and increased time to shoot it causes is much, much less of a problem and more just a feature of that kind of range.
One reason I'm torn about it though is because I like the mil-dots and the UH-1 doesn't have options for that like EO-Tech or Sig Romeo 8's so it really kind of undermines the value proposition of higher magnification.
Kind of why I think the Romeo 8 is the best value proposition right now cause you can change reticles. Like, maybe not the dots for CQB (except maybe the 65 MOA triangle one for HOB) but then again, if you didn't want something busy than you don't really want/need the ring either hence the 3-1's.
I’d love to see this guy in combat
Magnifiers are great when you need to shoot past 300 yards. Anything other than that you dont really need one, unless your vision isnt great or youre unsure of PID on your target. Either way, just get one.
To kill zombies? No. To plink a 1” circle? Might help.
Good video. Wish I could say more lol. You guys are going awesome. Wishing you liked cops more than you do
Please, eye-pro, bro.
What is wrong with you losers??

I’m all for the second amendment but there’s no way a civilian needs a tape dispenser that holds that many rounds
One of the better videos. Man! Learned a lot. Good stuff
I need those target tape guns does anyone have a link please
I like 1x per 100 yrds.
So trex magnifier mount, got it.
It doesn't matter who you are, any shot on any target at any distance will have some margin of error that could result in a miss. Magnification will reduce that margin of error and the chance for a miss. If you can ring the gong every time at 100 m, awesome. Magnification will amplify your skill.
Of course, there is a point where some magnification power is actually a hinderance at some distance. PID and shot placement become a problem when you can't distinguish between green forest and green textile because your sight picture is out of focus or you can count the bacteria on some dude's sleeve.
Boring? Living the american dream, hahaha
Army. 2001. 63B. M16A2 with slop between the upper and lower, barrel worn who knows how much. 50 to 300 meters. Only iron sights. Expert qual. I'd have to say magnification isn't needed for 100 meters.
& it wasn't even my MOS (job) to be great with a rifle.. I made myself great with the rifle I was given. Also learned everything I could about commo, medical, nbc, and several other things
Come to think of it.. that computer making reccomendations about MOS based on ASVAB scores was probably right in that I should have went SF lol
I got the EXPS3 for the big window. Had trouble on reduced size targets at 200 and got the 3x. Amazing setup. I'm better everytime I train with it, learning when I want to magnify, bracing, on a knee, prone and standing unsupported.
you need to get a review video out on the geissele super duty's possibly compared to the bcm and the ddm4v7 waiting for you to post one on the geissele before I pull the trigger on buying one
What’s with the meters nonsense? Last I checked this is America lol. But I guess “meters” sounds more tacti-cool for likes.
Love your hat. Where can I buy one
The answer is no, you don't. You should have a full fore grip on a rifle. It helps with indexing and barrier bracing but it also can be used as a monopod, for muzzle strikes in home defense to create distance rounding a corner, off axis shooting, especially elevation – not all ranges are flat and endurance with a boxer grip is much better.
I noticed that both Lucas and Brandon took an extra .5 seconds to place their rifles in an advantageous position upon the barricade rather than just pounding it in there and adjusting later. I wonder what the actual difference in time is between the two methods.
Am I the only one who saw trex lower….
The more I see your videos the more I realize they are specifically for new shooters
Interested in seeing a build list on Lucas’ rifle
In my opinion, any fighting rifle in todays world should have magnification, unless you know 100% without a doubt you are only working inside buildings (SWAT, JSOC Etc). I will carry the thing up front in a pouch if I have to til I need it.
First time seeing this channel looks like kids with a lot of money not prior military personnel
Day 1 of hoping this get’s addressed.
Hope this get’s pinned or liked enough.
Legally i can own only 20r mags for my AR and i’m considering getting magpul mag assist for my shorty mags. I would like to see T.rex arms opinion on it and using them with for example with a belt kit. Wondering if it’s a viable “upgrade” or not.
Basically You don't need any longer barrel and any magnifier if you can't drag your fat ass to hit some 4 mile run.
No, you don't.
I live in Charlotte and I am a member at a range that has 300 yards and “combat range” (some shooting and moving”
I feel blessed that I am able to train out to 300 twice a week
Magnified optic for shooting targets, no. Magnified optics for identifying, observing, and accurately engaging well camouflaged opposition that is barely visible behind cover at all ranges, yes. Application.
Do you need a magnifier ay 100 yds?…. Can you see well at 100 yds? Theres your answer. No more videos on it needed!
At 51yr old, if I could afford one. I believe a magnifier would do me justice. considering I have old eyes, and cannot see as good as I used to. I believe a magnifier should be a minimum of 4x. I think that anything less is redundant, and doesn't create enough magnification too be feasible. However I guess beggars can't be choosers, and if 3x is all I can get, it would be better than nothing.
I haven't thought to add a forward grip to my AR, but I think I'd go with the BCM (mostly) vertical grip. I need to find a long range here in PA
What weapon light are you running in the vid?
Lucas training without eye pro?!
Time is definitely irrelative…. Should definitely be your new shirt.
I've run slick on the bottom of my hand guard for years now. I just got more use out of using the AR15 like a rifle, and not a sub-gun.
@T-Rexarms i would like to see you guys shooting a SIG 550 or Sturmgewehr 90 from the Swiss Army because we are shooting this Thing at the 300 Meter range