Home Battenfeld FASTEST Mag Loader in the World

FASTEST Mag Loader in the World


ETS CAM Loaders –

Check out the Elite Tactical Systems (ETS) C.A.M. magazine loader! It saves time, energy, and is easy on your thumbs. The ETS C.A.M. speed loader is univeral, portable, made in the U.S.A., has a lifetime warranty, and does not damage feed lips. The cost is around $25. Links above. Blog –

ETS CAM Loaders –

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  1. Deceptive Video.
    You NEVER state in the video that you need TWO SEPARATE loaders for pistol and/or rifle.
    You make reference to a "link below which takes you to ONE UNIVERSAL Speed Loader which give one the impression this ONE will handle 9mm AND 556 as shown in YOUR video. You NEVER say in the video after demonstrating loaded a pistol mag that you are now switching to a completely different loader to load AR mags. Had I known you needed a this loader does NOT do both pistol and rifle I would have NEVER paid this kind of money for such a limited tool.
    Thanks for the BUM STEER POET ! I think YOU should send me the rifle version free of charge, no ? I mean, I was misled by you . . Think about it and watch, not cool.

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