Home Battenfeld Plastic Extrusion – Safety, Pre-Start and Start-Up Procedures

Plastic Extrusion – Safety, Pre-Start and Start-Up Procedures


This video segment is from Paulson Training Programs “Single Screw Extrusion Training” Program. Details on all of ther 9 lessons in this course can be found at:

This clip is from “Lesson #7: Safety, Pre-Start and Start-Up Procedures”. Having standardized procedures for starting up and operating your single screw extrusion lines is very important. By providing proper employee training, you can be assured that all of your employees will follow the same procedures in and around your extrusion lines and will also all know the proper safety precautions and rules that must be followed in your plant.

Proper extruder operating procedures also increase product quality, productivity, and decrease careless and wasteful mistakes to both the plastic materials and your extrusion equipment.

Be sure to Subscribe To Paulson’s YouTube channel. We update it with new videos regularly. Listed below are all of the lessons in Paulson’s Single Screw Extrusion interactive video training program.

Lesson 1: The Single Screw Extruder: Parts and Operation
Lesson 2: The Structure of Plastic Raw Materials
Lesson 3: The Characteristics of Plastics for Extrusion
Lesson 4: Effects of Pressure, Temperature and Flow
Lesson 5: Optimizing Extruder Controls — Part 1
Lesson 6: Optimizing Extruder Controls — Part 2
Lesson 7: Safety, Pre-Start and Start-Up Procedures
Lesson 8: Steady-State Operation, Shutdown and Maintenance Procedures
Lesson 9: Single Screw Extruder Troubleshooting

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