Home CMMG The Top Inexpensive AR-15 Handguards

The Top Inexpensive AR-15 Handguards


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A quick showcase of what you can expect from our $40 handguard sale, because you should only pay 200 dollars for a handguard if you really really want to. These options have everything you need from an AR handguard, and they look great.

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  1. I think I'll just go spend $480 at DD and get basically the same thing… not
    I don't understand how people buy those brands that are charging literally 10x over the competitive market prices

  2. I bought one with anti roll tabs. Didn’t fit. Tabs were to close together. 5.5% restocking fee. And $15.90 to ship back. (And I thought Optics Planet was bad.) Just ordered a handguard and a punch of other parts from another company. Shipping I understand. But the restocking fee was a slap in the face.

  3. do you have any budget 15.5" to 16" inch handguards that does "not" have any milled lightening cuts or M-lok cuts through the center where your grip would be? that is what I am looking for? or can you get any as such? If you are not sure of what I am talking about, look at (MSP Armory) the Ripcord LDR1 handguard it is just way to high of a cost for my wallet I need one at the cost of a Delta Team Tactical handguard

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