Links/coupon below…..What is one thing we hate with shooting? CLEANING afterwards. Especially the BCG and if we don’t we get issues. What if there was a BCG that could significantly decrease cleaning time, increase reliability, and even run dry in a pinch? You really should check out Cryptic’s BCG’s and their DLC coating.
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  1. I'll be receiving my mystic black bcg this coming Monday. I hope it's everything I seen and read about it. I'm replacing the bcg that came with my Hardened Arms upper, it doesn't have any marking depicting what brand it is. In the 2000-2500 rnds I've shot, I have had to replace the gas rings twice hence why I'm replacing it.

  2. Cryptic bcgs are an interesting beast. As far as I can tell, they're mostly bog-standard milspec except in two ways; the first is, obviously, the coatings, which are of course superior to phosphate, but hardly unique among high-end coatings. The second, I believe, is that they polish the absolute SHIT out of every surface, which is probably the real reason why they're so slick despite their PVD/CVD coatings being otherwise industry standard.

    But aside from that, they appear to have no other features that make them stand out in comparison to milspec; which isn't to say they aren't excellent, but I think they still have competition for best bcg. My personal bet would be on the Sharps Rifle Company xtreme performance bcg in dlc – while the friction coefficient is probably higher due to src not polishing their products nearly as heavily as Cryptic, it's still VERY slick; additionally, it has a multitude of other features which should contribute to overall superior reliability. Maybe you should review that next?

  3. I'm currently building a .308. I keep waffling back and forth between this bcg and the Lantac. The Lantac bolt, from what I have discovered, is built especially for the hot rounds that I will be running. And I'll be running suppressed as well.
    With that, the CC bcg would be ideal with its ease of cleaning. Just need to do a bit more digging to make sure it can handle hotter loads. I guess I should reach out to CC.
    Great review by the way; love your content.

  4. i just bought the silver version .308. its a slick shiny sucker. looking forward to getting my ar10 build done so i can try it out. its heavy as hell. looks like a very good quality bcg

  5. I'm just about done my 1st build just need a bcg. I have a 12.5" barrel mid length gas with adjustable block. I'm looking for a quality lightweight bcg for around $250ish or less. Any suggestions or help is appreciated ty all! Also it's standard .556

  6. I build custom rifles for people and myself (bench rifles, PRS/tactical, hunting rifles, as well as AR-15s) my last two AR-15's I built myself I went with Cryptek. A mystic gold for one and a mystek black for the other and they are not only easy to clean but made exact to a closer tolerance than most. I was a Marine (always will be) so I know all about scrapping a parkerized bcg clean with the end of a cleaning rod. Other than Cryptek the only other brand I would consider is Iron City's Black Diamond coated BCG's.

  7. I bought a mystic gold bcg 3 years ago for some bling on a random AR. It might be the best bcg I have out of 8 or 9. Toolcraft DLC was a close second but this thing is a smooth as glass with a JP SCS. I have solgw and bcm bcg's, they're definitely awesome but these are on a different level

  8. A couple of years ago I drove to Palmetto State to pick up a regular BCG to finish a build (right after everything opened up after Covid). They had literally just sold everything they had EXCEPT the Cryptic Coatings BCG in Mystic Black in the couple hours it took me to get there. They took pity on me because I drove like 3 hours there and gave me a smoking deal on it. Best BCG I've ever had, I've put them in every new build since.

  9. Cryptic Coating lists this coating as Mystic Black. The picture of their BCG comparisons shows Mystic Black as a satin finish. If you click on the info for mystic black, another picture comes up with the shiny deep black finish. Go figure.

  10. A buddy in his AR15 IN 223 ran10000RDS with out cleaning as a torture test with out any failure I was amazed. I wouldn't do it but he did lol I couldn't believe it

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