Home AR-15 FSAAP AR -15 *TESTED* Gun Made by Ammo Company Any Good? #gun...

FSAAP AR -15 *TESTED* Gun Made by Ammo Company Any Good? #gun #civtac #2ndamendment

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  1. Guns are used defensively up to 2.5 MILLION times per year in the US. Would you have guessed that study came from the CDC? Well it did, and then they worked with DC to hide that study from the same people who paid for it, that would be you, the tax payer.
    -Combat Vet

  2. Man, this gun control thing is getting out of hand. I live in California and I’m not a democrat or republican I’m in the middle but I love guns I got to get a background check just to buy ammunition that’s messed up and I can’t even buy an 80% lower receiver anymore. I bought an 80% receiver three years ago before all the new changes came about that sucks bro.

  3. Tell me you’re a sell out without telling you’re a sell out. Not only does it take away key parts of the ar but also hinders it in longevity.

    Try putting 2,000 rounds through it instead of a few rounds then we’ll see what “reliable” is.

    And if you want a good ar try BCM, Gisselle, ADM or even SOLGW to name a few.

  4. Love the paint job other then that the "reliability of an AK" doubtful. Aks can be thrown in mud then thrown in sand and still fires. Without the forward assist and a dust cover that AR WILL jam. Other then shooting 11 rounds and double cocking, prove your statements if it's as reliable I'd rather see both thrown in mud and fired then while still muddy thrown in sand and fired 5 rounds each and then you have my attention.

  5. How are you tied to Neil? FedArm is under massive investigation along with its owner who is in jail. I’m surprised you got that trash to actually work. They use airsoft lowers to build their ARs. Every single one of those POS rifles I’ve ever seen has been defective from the factory. Their ammo is just as defective.

  6. No bolt release, no forward assist, smaller mag well, less weight. I’m not sure I like that. The only one here that’s actually a plus is the less weight one, but some people actually like their guns with a little heft on em, personally that’s me. And I’ve had a bolt not close all the way and the forward assist saved my ass from having to do a bunch of bullshitery. No bolt release, I can’t even list how many things are wrong with just that one bit.

    Overall, I’m not going to trust a gun made from a company who almost entirely only makes ammunition. Especially since they will cut off key features, like the forward assist and the damn bolt release

  7. The reason I don't have a single ar15 in my whole collection is simply that they have become a meme gun, owned by gamers, keltec owners, hard-core wannabes, red Ryder huggers, and the like. Most of who have no clue what a good Ole lever action 30 30 even looks like. And have never had something alive in their crosshairs.

  8. Yeah because those pesky forward assists, bigger mag wells, bolt releases and dust covers are known to cause reliability issues lol
    Stop trying to convince yourself that your weird looking AR is just as cool as all the others, mate

  9. If you find yourself in a protracted firefight under dirty conditions then you're more likely to use a forward assist. Most people criticize it because they haven't ever had to experience that sort of thing. Most times you won't need it. But when you need it YOU NEED IT

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