Home AR-15 Keynote: Building Your Most Future-Resilient Career (Official Audio) | ASJA 2023 #BringYourWorth

Keynote: Building Your Most Future-Resilient Career (Official Audio) | ASJA 2023 #BringYourWorth


Damon Brown Keynote: Building Your Most Future-Resilient Career (Official Audio) | American Society of Journalists and Authors Fall Conference 2023

During a time of tectonic shifts, from evolving platforms to AI, how do you build and maintain a writing career? Business coach, writer, entrepreneur, and former ASJA board member Damon Brown breaks down the three keys you need to unlock your best writing future while still being true to yourself 👇🏾

🍿 Watch the Full Keynote (and More):

👉🏾 Catch all of Damon Brown’s keynotes:

📺 Subscribe to Damon Brown’s BringYourWorth.tv show

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*Catch the BringYourWorth.tv show Wednesdays & Sundays 1:11 pm PT

*Better Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

*Make Passive Income

*Smart Creative Habits

*TED Talk: Damon Brown on Positive Power of Observation
*How Can I Accept Others For Who They Are? Brene Brown
*MJ, Prince & Jay-Z: 3 Business Moguls Changed the Game
*Using AI to Illustrate My Book Midjourney
*3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Sign a Contract

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🎥 For Video: iPhone SE 2nd Gen
🛜 For Live Broadcasts: Streamyard
🫙 For Storage: Western Digital Elements Hard Drive
🎙️ For Sound: Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB
💡 For Lighting: Amaran Apeture / Lantern Softbox

🙋🏾 Damon Brown ( helps side hustlers, solopreneurs & others bloom. As a bestselling author, 2x startup founder & 4x TED Speaker, Damon co-founded the popular connection app Cuddlr and led it to acquisition within a year while being a stay at home dad with his infant son. He now guides through 1-on-1 coaching, Inc. column ( and BringYourWorth.tv (

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00:00 Intro
00:18 We’re Running the Wrong Race
2:11 Tech Should Be Used For What We Cannot or Will Not Do
12:47 Tech Will Not Take Your Job (Unless You’re Not Doing It)
18:44 Tech Is a Golden Opportunity

#journalism #freelance #aiwriting #writer #listenable

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  1. During a time of tectonic shifts, from evolving platforms to AI, how do you build and maintain a writing career? Business coach, writer, entrepreneur, and former ASJA board member Damon Brown breaks down the three keys you need to unlock your best writing future while still being true to yourself 👇🏾

    🍿 Watch the Full Keynote (and More): https://www.asja.org/resources/conferences/all-business-an-asja-education-bundle/

    👉🏾 Catch all of Damon Brown’s keynotes:

    📺 Subscribe to Damon Brown's BringYourWorth.tv show

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