Update on the ATF Pistol Brace Rule
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Foreign AND domestic.
Grow a pair and put a stock on it. #ComplianceIsCollaboration
The Constitution is to limit Government not limit the Citizenry. So a question of “can I keep” is ridiculous.
Dude, why are you holding a gun the whole video? It's annoying. Holster your damn weapon.
Awesome thanks for the update. Where is the NRA? Probably taking someone’s $ and not sending them the magazine promised or pheasant hunting with Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham or Liz Cheney ( better be careful there). No matter your opinion of pistol braces the silence from the NRA should be deafening. We pay “law makers” then we pay the NRA to protect us from the law makers? I guess you could call it a peaceful shakedown by law makers and the NRA.
I'm not waiting for the decision I already made up my mind on what I can and can not do if you're willing to comply with this you are kind of a coward and the reason we are going to lose all of this
Oh this was an actual question?

didn't realize people were asking permission 

Absolutely. We shouldn't even need braces. SBRs shouldn't be restricted. Auto-sears should be legal. And bazookas.
Deepfake bird-drones with bazookas. Yes.
Blocktube is an important Chrome extension. Block clickbait crap like this and Armed Scholar.
Just as bad as armed scholar you clickbait time wasters can go to heck. I'll stick with any of the existing trustworthy channels that DON'T make crap up to lure people in.
Can we run a 12 inch with no stock- just a buffer tube legally?
This video is a huge nothing burger.
I ignore unconstitutional laws. SBR or magazine capacity etc. If you're still paying taxes and believe in Trump, good luck.
Let me save you 10 minutes of your life. There are no new updates. You can't put a brace on yet.
So does my AR pistol suddenly become illegal? Thats fucking retarded. Guess i have to go get an SBR
my decision regardless is to not comply. Building several other others during this time frame.
Firstly, I really appreciate that you didn't make the umpteenth video that vomits the 5 ways/things you can do to "comply"… As for the GOA/FPC & others coverage for their injunction-all that business etc; I wouldn't have spoken on it. Neither (Dot)Orgs- Can or will come out & openly say that YES you're covered if XYZ. They wont clarify if it's just within the 5th, they wont define. Even the Umbrella date of coverage was very wonky. It's "assumed" that if you were a member** I believe(It was before the judge issued his ruling initially) or if you became a member before then, they said members were covered. Everyone from Guntubers/Lawtubers/Indpt News were covering this & blasting it everywhere. All these organizations or I should say 3 main, got huge influx of membership(s) before this ruling just so people could be covered in many different ways/areas in case there were any failures. It's not a bad to donate/become a member with any of these guys. However, if they misled everyone by saying everyones covered & they weren't just to get the money then that IS a problem……in my eyes atleest.. As o stated they will not clarify coverage. I asked this via email & 3MO later they dodge the question and referred me to a link which was court documents on the case aka "The Ruling & So called Scope of it".
ATF changes their minds faster than our world spins and lacks consistency. Anyone questioning should just look at the case and the ruling.
Not for Alabama, SB2 was passed last year, which is the 2nd amendment protection act which nobody is talking about
Section 1. (a) This section shall be known and may
be cited as the Alabama Second Amendment Protection Act.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, an official, officer, employee, or agent of the
state or political subdivision thereof, when acting in an
official capacity, may not enforce or administer any executive
order issued by the President of the United States which
limits or restricts the ownership, use, or possession of
firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories by law-abiding
residents of the state. An official, officer, employee, or
agent of the state or political subdivision thereof, when
acting in an official capacity, shall not be ordered,
directed, or compelled to execute or administer the executive
(c) No state or local public funds may be expended
for the enforcement of any executive order issued by the
President of the United States which limits or restricts the
ownership, use, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or
firearm accessories by law-abiding residents of the state, as
described in subsection (b).
(d) The Attorney General may issue guidance to state
and local officials to ensure uniform compliance with this
What the gun on the left side of thumbnail??
I’m not registering shit, giving up shit or not using my shit. It’s that simple
Joining organizations may cover you under "ex pos facto" legal precedent. But still not sure. Regardless, if you owned braces PRIOR to this B.S. ATF rule, legally it 100% should cover you, whether you're in an organization or not.
I thought we are already passed that period.
You were always allowed to keep it. 2A shall not be infringed…just needs to be challenged when govt craps on Our Constitution
I hear a lot of "This is wrong", "Frustrated", "they shouldn't be able to..", "It violates the constitution.." Well, it seems that they don't care what you think. What are you willing to do about it?
Abolish the ATF, the NFA and all the rest of the crap associated with same!
Next, they will ban everything.
The word, 'ALLOWED', should be repugnant to every American.
Keeping my flux raider with brace
Just by joining GOA I’m covered immediately?
Non-Compliance; Resistance; Defiance! NOW is the time to purchase spare BCG, Spare Uppers and Lowers for AR Variants, Magazines and ammo, and cache in numerous un-disclosed, remote, secure re-supply points for the future years to come. & Spread the Word – This is called: "Dispersal of Assets". It is as American as Mom's Apple Pie!
Free men don't ask permission to bear arms.
Can we get a link of these groups to donate to?