Wonder what #ar15 muzzle flash looks like without a muzzle device, or with a muzzle brake vs. linear
compensator vs. A2 Birdcage muzzle device? Here’s your answer! #muzzlebrake #rangeday

Wonder what #ar15 muzzle flash looks like without a muzzle device, or with a muzzle brake vs. linear
compensator vs. A2 Birdcage muzzle device? Here’s your answer! #muzzlebrake #rangeday
Bare assed is best
It's crazy how the birdcage completely blacks it out
Barrel length has a major part to play too. Not a real accurate test
That A2 is the king of the night.
I've got one of the 3 prong flash hiders and I can verify, without a shadow of a doubt, there is absolutely NO fireball.
It also produces an angelic "ping" when the freedom seeds are being sent to their destination.
Is there one that increases it
Good video and was rocking out to the music as well
Results may vary
Bird cage came stock and hasn't treated me poorly. 5.56 doesn't have enough recoil to need anything fancy.
A2 bird cage is king
Good old A2 flash hider is hard to beat for flash reduction, but I do enjoy a super flat shooting muzzle break. Plus it's always fun to have more bark then bite

The birdcage may not look cool, but damn, is it effective
Let’s see the JMC Customs LAF next…
Does it matter that the A2 Birdcage is on a different weapon?
Personally, I don’t like having to spend extra cash on weapons lights. Why would you, when your muzzle can do it for you?
“Bare-Assed” why’d that make me laugh so hard

Showed the A2 but not the Midwest industries flash hider
My 22lr came with the bird cage lmao
3 prong flash hider
I hate brakes and comps. Flashhiders are the only option for me.
Nah bs
Birdcages don't hide flash they redirect it.
And couldn't see if that birdcage was on a pistol length barrel like the others or a rifle length.
That wasn't even an a2, it is just styled similar to the a2. Performance however was along the lines of a real a2.
Any suggestion on how to remove the linear compensator?
Cookie cutter !!
Then theres the 4 piece bulgarian clone that lets out the slightest fart with maybe a spark if its pitch black and youre looking for it lol
Personally, it doesn't matter. I run a can.
no it's you get on my nerves and you rattle my chain, victory love something but it's just a pain
Ak74 comp
Where u get that linear comp
The a2 works. People shit on it but it does its job very well
Bigger louder fireballs is the opposite of what you should be looking for.
Im astonished that crush washer didnt fly away on the bare one
So what is the verdict?
Looks like the birdcage mitigates the muzzle flash the best.
Looks like the old school flash hider does the best job. Go figure
Ive got a q cherry bomb, throws a helluva fire ball
bird cage
cookie cutter

You wanna see a fireball throw on a kak blast diverter on a 7.5
Midwest Industries 2 chamber muzzle brake throws fireballs 3 feet to your left and right shooting green tip. I apologize to people at the range cause it’s like being smacked in face.
No 3 prong? Those are my favorite but the birdcage is on most factory rifles these days for a reason. I run a certain brand of suppressor and they make a 3 prong that I like a lot so must of my stuff has them on the ends lol
If you put a real barrel on your rifle, not only will you not have a giant fireball out the muzzle, but you're round will be hauling ass 400fps faster, and carrying a hell of a lot more energy – which it is 100% reliant on to be effective.
Comb looks nice
Should've showed the muzzle brake from the top… it blows even bigger flames out the side chambers
Nobody is going to talk about the barrel play from the free float hand guard lol
I'd love to the diffrence between Warcomp and Nox Hybrid FH