Well guys, most of you know me as a hotrod and muscle car video guy but I’m also a pistol and rifle enthusiast from the time that I was five. My father (R.I.P.) taught me gun safety and reloading and a lot of different skills at a very early age. I built my own air 15 really registered them and being that I just have one pistol, I decided to go ahead and convert my registered A.R. 15 pistol manufactured by myself to a 9 mm set up so this is a complete video on how to do the conversion.  It’s the first how to video I believe I’ve done on my channel and it’s a diversion from my normal automotive, hot rod and VW features so hopefully you like it. I’d like to hear comments negative or positive (I’d rather hear those lol) but just go ahead hit that like and subscribe and I’ll be doing more of these if they’re well received if not I’ll continue on doing on hot rods and VWs and again thanks for watching and also please help find a cure for autism and epilepsy yours Patrick
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