Home StreamLight The Best Tactical Flashlight Comparison: THRUNITE vs Olight vs Streamlight vs Fenix.

The Best Tactical Flashlight Comparison: THRUNITE vs Olight vs Streamlight vs Fenix.


***GIVEAWAY (3 TN12 Pro lights)***

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Thank Cutlerylover for doing a different brands’ tactical light comparison video. Thanks for participating and for all the new subscribers!

This is a tactical flashlights comparison video of THRUNITE TN12 Pro, Olight Warrior 3S, Olight Warrior Mini 2, Fenix PD35 v3.0 and Streamlight 88085 ProTac HL-X, so which one is the best tactical light for you?

Purchase Link below: 👇👇👇
TN12 Pro flashlights:

Olight flashlight:
Streamlight flashlight:
Fenix flashlight:

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  1. Congratulations to Chuck, Greg Miller and zombie_ninja207 for winning the giveaway. Thank you all for participating in this giveaway! The official THRUNITE will announce winners and pin comment, please don't trust anyone else (Scammer) thanks.

  2. To be fair there's a reason the Olight's are more expensive. They have great build quality and reliability. They also have more features, like magnetic bases, proximity sensors, magnetic port charging, usability with weapon mounts and pressure switches (in some cases), and accurate output ratings.

    Watch some testing on the Torque Test channel. The Warrior Mini 2 in particular did great with the drop testing, and was nearly indestructible.

  3. One thing that I like about Thrunite that I don't like about Olite, is that you can use any 18650 or 21700. Olite makes you dependent on them to buy your batteries. I have lots of 18650 cells, so I will be getting a Thrunite because of that alone.

  4. I think the only "tactical" light here is the tn12 Pro because it IS a "thower" and has a tail switch to instantly get acces to it's 1900/32k cadela. A "tactical light" IMHO MUSt be a thrower….with a defined hotspot/spill (circles)…to function also as a "targetting " aid.

    Important in zeroing in on a threat or someone your're searching for. Where time is so valuable…franctions of a second matter…don't want to be wasting that hunting for the jubject…if you were using a "foody beam" EDC light….

    would love to see thrunite come out with more "thower" style lights…..more candela and distance….i'm referring to 'pocketable lights"…I know you have the Catapult lights (would prefer "stepping" through the modes instead of "infiit ramping" e.g. Catapalt Pro….otherwise great light…

  5. The T3 just adds another dimension to my EDC needs. I own 7 different Thrunite lights. Looks like this will be #8. I’m the most popular grandfather when the power goes out !

  6. Nice comparison. Timely, too, as I am just in the market for such a light and am looking hard at several of these. The only other thing I would like to have seen is an outdoor beam shot comparison at maybe 30-40 yards.

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