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I've built a few lowers and can say that nothing else will teach as well regarding how a firearm works, what all the pieces are, and what they do. Once you have assembled one stripped lower you will get a new perspective on the various enhanced lowers and their use of threaded screws instead of roll pins, detent retaining designs, differences between ambidextrous selectors and standard ones as well the tensioning screws for adjusting out the play between upper and lower receivers. Just do it.
I don't believe there's a 50 BMG upper for and AR-15 lower

…or you could spend less to have a professional do it correctly with the proper tools.
The way you both explained each step in detail made the process feel very accessible, even for beginners like me.
I happen to be a Colt Armorer. I forget exactly how many parts an AR-15/M-16 have. I believe they have approximately 124 parts. Now having said that, they are not hard to work on or build. There are “techniques” that help with certain detents and tiny springs. We call some parts “NASA” part’s because if you screw up, that part is going into orbit! Never to be found. Other than that, they are intentionally pretty easy to put together from fully stripped. Hammer spring can be put in two ways but only one way is correct.
One doesn't "build" AR's. They are simply assembled. AK's are "built"…
Anything that makes owning pews more accessible is great. DIY is typically more affordable. Maybe this will encourage more ppl to give it a try.
maybe $10
$44 I'll pass LOL.
Just bought 3 lowers
That is an excellent idea. Wish I thought of it.
What piece of poop stock is that that keeps unintentionally collapsing lmao
Good job playing it off but yeah it's noticeable

why does the stock adjust without the adjustment lever being activated?
I recall seeing this at ShotShow earlier this year, really good idea.
Idk it's pretty straight forward to find what goes where.
Let me just screenshot this …..ok that saves you $45. I can see a bunch of knock off products coming out for $5.00. Should have been cheaper honestly.
Fellow Hoosier here. I had to figure my first one out myself. Took almost and hr because of springs and detent pins flying across the room. Number 1 thing toy keep handy is a good magnet. Everyone should build a few ARs.
Wait it's an organizer and doesn't even come with the parts? Well it's not for me that's for sure.
legos arent that hard to put together
What is the link for the 9mm upper??
Evidently, Matt has never heard of a light coat of oil or grease. They really help with assembly, especially when trying to put roll pins in place. Come on Matt! You are looking like a rookie!
great idea and I wud def buy if it was around 25$ it’s a piece of cut out wood with some paper. (Lower the price please ) 
For spectacular instructional building videos, check out Freedom Crew University. Hands down, the best.
So basically if you already know how to build one, this guy's product doesn't make anything more easy for you… Got it!
Do we really think building a lower is that difficult?
I already have a buffer tube, spring and a buffer. I also have a hand grip. I'm going to get a different trigger so I'm just going to need a small parts kit without any extras.
Easiest way? It's already pretty easy.
A great idea in the era of YouTube deleting assembly vidoes
Ahhh! It's a ghost gun, run!
Buy complete gun, easy peezzz
YouTube is asshoe!
What is your website called so I can look up this educational information?
This video couldn’t have come at a better time, thank you
No option for a board with parts included..nonsense.
It’s not hard to put a lower together
Awesome, just in time, I have a stripped lower on the way (or maybe I don’t
So cool!