Home StreamLight Flashlight Carry Update: Protac 2.0

Flashlight Carry Update: Protac 2.0


Update on my carry of the @StreamlightTV Protac 2.0 #edc #edcgear #tools #flashlight #streamlight #tactical #tacticool #tacticallife #camping #camp #fishing #light #bright #Protac #lumen


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  1. I do some night fishing mostly for catfish and every now and then some shark fishing. I don't have any cool flashlight stories. I'll say that I have evolved into a candela snob. and it would be because of night fishing, at a couple of places along the river and canal you can run into some wildlife so having a thrower comes in real handy because we can identify if it's a fox or a dog 100 yards away and being able to throw 2000 lumen and 40,000 candela makes them pause and change direction.

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