Daniel Defense DDM4 V7P
In this video, I discuss my Daniel Defense DDM4 V7P, which I call my Shorty General Purpose DI Urban Defense Rifle which you is another way of saying my general purpose urban SHTF rifle.
It’s my go-to rifle for chaotic city scenarios where I tested at the Haley Strategic D5 Carbine course.
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#2ANews #ColionNoir
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Tnx bro
Do you have to form 1 all your SBRs?
When factoring in body armor, wouldn't you rather have a DD5 V4?
When real SHTF happens you'll pull off all that crap off anyway.
I learn a lot from your videos man. Starting my Arsenal for home defense. Only have a couple 12 gauges and one handgun. The AR is what I’m looking at now and have seen so many options. I appreciate your breakdown of this. I know it isn’t cheap, but my life or wife’s life isn’t cheap so I want to get good hardware to protect ourselves. Thank you man
Great informative video
Does anyone know of the ddm4v4s
Yes, yes but what side arm are you switching too when it’s faster than reloading?
Not bad! I thought about making a ghost AR-10.
That laser a flex on that thing
4:30 I was just about to say I run 45offset irons on all my rifles
Way too much CRAP on that gun..
double d
What else is the difference between the v7 and v7 pro? I have a ddm4v7
You have just earned yourself a spot in my list of favorite 2A content creators
Dear Mr. Noir,
I’m reaching out to you here as a budding business man, attempting to break into self sufficiency. Please reach out, I have an average idea that is proven to make money. Yes it is gun related, and while you have your own thing. I would like to use your platform and contacts to make a profit. Yea this is an outlandish request, but with enough money for the both of us as a motivator, I feel it would be lucrative for you to offer a small amount of your attention.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
Mike B

Great video brother!!

Great videos
I follow you from Switzerland. Your advises and opinions seem to be very reasonable.
is this a sbr?
Try a magpul ctr or moe sl stock
Seriously, leave the city.
My general purpose/SHTF rifle is a Ruger PC9. In the Eastern region I live it's generally impossible to see more than 100 yards due to tree cover except in zones that are easy to escape from such as roads or the edges of bodies of water, so there's little benefit to a high velocity modern rifle cartridge here. The weapon uses the same ammunition and magazines as my handgun, which keeps my loadout very light and compact and simple. This is especially important because, as a civilian, the pistol is actually my primary weapon most of the time due to concealability, and that's where the brunt of my training goes and what my system is based around, the carbine is only carried occasionally and it's a pure add-on. The 9mm carbine is much less destructive on small game like rabbits than a rifle cartridge and easier to achieve a useful point blank with than an AR due to lower sight height and a trajectory that both rises and falls within a given space, it's basically a laser beam between 15 and 80 yards, so trajectory is eliminated as a factor altogether for practical purposes. At the same time, the 9mm at carbine velocities with the right bullet is a suitable entry level deer round, and in my opinion reaches the point of diminishing returns for terminal performance on human opponents when hollow points are used, the versatility of the cartridge is unmatched. There are even 9mm bullets today proven to defeat quality 3A body armor even at handgun velocities. 9mm is extremely quiet out of a 16" barrel, to the point where I have no qualms about shooting it even in small parks with houses only a few hundred yards away much like a .22, and I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it without earpro in an emergency. A good linear compensator might potentially make standard pressure loads basically hearing safe without needing an NFA device. The weapon uses a takedown design and it fits in most average size backpacks, this is important for transporting it through populated areas or in other situations in which being visibly armed isn't a good idea, and it beats leaving the weapon behind somewhere where it can be stolen or lost. 9mm ammunition is the cheapest centerfire ammunition you can buy and it's also one of the lightest and most compact. Stockpiling, training, and carrying ammo is cheaper and easier than with any other cartridge other than .22LR. The Ruger PC9 is the most versatile weapon I own, the best for the things I actually do with rifles, and the most suitable for living with on foot perpetually in a situation in which vehicular transportation is no longer possible. It's "the one."
Stock. Consider a Rogers Super Stock. They can be found inexpensive, adjust easily, and lock in place with no rattle.
Mk18 for the end of days? Lol, good luck. You're backing yourself into a corner wherein your rifle is almost exclusively built to fight CQC…the most dangerous possible way to get into a gunfight. Even with SBR specific loads like the Barnes 50g, or heavier 77g SMKs, the intended ballistic performance dies off at under 200m.
Food for thought.
Most of us don't have 4k to drop on a rifle.
What bike do you have ??
Come on man get Leupold to make an LCO 2.0 with green dot option
Well presented. My experience with DD was not so great. My DDM4 was not accurate at all and sending it back didn't help. Must have been a bad batch of barrels. My experience with their customer service was just meh. What I don't understand is why DD made the statement they made at a murder trial. I have a feeling that will come to bite all AR owners in the buttstock.
I run a 10.5 noveske chainsaw with an aimpoint and a torch. keep it simple.
Hey can you do a review of the Sig MCX Spear LT in .300 Blackout??
Another great video! Thanks Colion!
people are more worried about buying guns for some circle jerk imaginary shtf mad max situation instead of being engaged in their community, or teaching the next generation.
Videotography was on!