In this video I provide an important update in the current lawsuits attempting to halt the ATF’s pistol brace rule!
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I just wanted to say I appreciate your knowledge on this topic. You seem to really know what’s going on with this issue. However, you get way too much in the weeds for me and I can’t follow you after all of what you said, what I got was super still waiting on the lower courts to make a ruling and then everything will take off from there.
Strike down all gun laws
So WHEN is the 5th circuit court going to make their ruling on this?
I could do more damage with a LBR anyways. I don’t need a SBR to move efficiently in a bad situation. I do agree they shouldn’t be messing with our rights but they’re getting nowhere. An SBR wouldn’t be my go to weapon.
To put it simply the ATF said "we're better than you we hate you and we serve only the globalist elites you peasant" bunch of thugs with guns bullying law abiding citizens.
So can you use a brace right now or not ?
I hope they throw this fucking shit out what a total waste of time this whole thing has been they have nothing better to do than the constantly go after or constitutional rights. the ATF needs to be defunded and removed from the the grips of the taxpayers money! What is absolute waste of time money and resources
They should not be allowed to make people that legally purchased these weapons into felons. Republicans are not doing anything so they are no different than the dems.
This is why trump is bad for 2nd amendment, quote:“take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” – Donald Trump 3/2018 – Just google: “Trump take guns away” to see the video. I bet a lot of people don’t remember that, and if a democrat had said anything even close to that people would’ve lost their minds. Let’s also not forget they passed this pistol brace rule, the same way, they pass the rule against bump stocks under the trump administration at his direct and public urging, setting the president for the atf legislating as an unelected govt agency for this very pistol brace rule.
Now you literally know who to blame. What are gun owners gonna do about it? Vote for him again?!
WE THE PEOPLE FIRST then the CONSTITUTION and finally LIMITED government.
The only place women should have in government is nagging their husbands. Is there any three letter agency that doesn't spiritually act like a spurned lover more than the ATF? IRS maybe?
Considering the avalanche of ATF infringements we the people should instigate a class action against the ATF seeking compensation for their infringements. I believe the ATF needs to be held accountable for years of infringements against the constitutional rights of 100s of millions of American people.
theres no block at all all that will do anything to them is to actually fight back physically like the second amendment intends cause tyrants dont care or stop unless made to by force as shown by the past over a century now that we've been trying peaceful means and get nowhere but more and more "laws" enforced on us as if theyre real anyway and any "wins" are just to make it look like we're getting anywhere peacefully in the end theyll enforce the fake "laws" as if theyre real anyway until we actually fight back physically like the second amendment intends.
I don't need 9 mins to listen to u, wtf is the story
Doesn't Lucas Botkin despise your kind?
Im waiting to hear goood news because I wanna build a 8” 300 blackout build. Keep us updated !
I'm in California and a member of group that was included in the injunction. Can I take my ar pistol with the pistol brace to the range?
GAYTF once again proving they’re out of touch with the American people.
ATF isnt real. Ignore them
Just another Democrat if you don't like something you just get rid of it just like my comment I don't wish Democrat channel
SBR rule shouldn’t exist to begin with. Start there.
Should be thrown out completely.. its a made up rule by a made up unconstitutional 3 letter agency.. nothing a bunch of crooks and thieves
This is all so ridiculous. The back and forth arguments that make the government rule over the citizens. The ll Amendment states all of this very plainly. We are allowing the government to add and subtract from the founding document. The Constitution is there to RESTRICT the government, not the people. So we the people tell them what it means.
It seems to me that the correct thing to have stricken down is the arbitrary and extra regulation on short barreled rifles – period. On what basis should those be regulated?
Broom handle brace power
Funny thing is I remember after vegas when Donald J Dipshit banned bumpstocks and there wasn't a buch of folks screaming it was unconstitutional…matter of nobody said much of anything
Hey brother thanks so much for the consistency and updates on this very stressful times hopeful we can get it over turned keep up the hard work the 2a community appreciates your hard work
More of the same bla bla..
How can you call it a “short barrel rifle” when it doesn’t fire rifle ammo. They’re not converting glocks to 5.56 and slapping a stabilizer on it.
From what i understand that block only applies to gun owners who belong to the gun clubs not all gun owners
You are doing gods work, sir. Thank you for supporting us and our rights both in terms of litigation, in your career; but also in public outreach. You’re distributing vital information to the masses and encouraging the people to stand up for their rights and be vocal, as you are so brave to be. We live in an era of bully politics where people try to strong arm others into their beliefs and many aren’t comfortable expressing their true beliefs. But to prosecute a level-headed, responsible gun owner because they had the means to protect themselves if they ever found their life in jeopardy is insanity. Most people are good; and, as hard as common sense is to come by: the majority of people will hear it. Keep fighting the good fight, we are watching and we are listening. Never give up, and never give in. Thank you
Get rid of the ATF!
So basically, we don't have a judge with the nuts to do the correct thing.