Home AR-15 Manufacturer Review: Bravo Company Mfg (BCM)

Manufacturer Review: Bravo Company Mfg (BCM)


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  1. I just bought a 16" BCM upper, and haven't fired any shots, then ran a borescope down the barrel and found chrome flaking appearing as black streaks.
    Is this normal?

  2. Man, STERLING ARSENAL! I love the Corps (Bravo 1/8, WPNS Plt. 0341) but BCM only provides mild pec stuff. 4150 CMV chrome lined barrel upper, 8620 BCG, with carpenter 158 bolt, MPI/HPT on all. Sterling Arsenal does that but churns out maybe 300 rifles a year. So the QC (what people swear by BCM about) is there. BCM doesn't manufacture any components of consequence.

  3. I have two bcm uppers and I prefer them over any other I shot. Unfortunately I can't get a lower because they won't sell to my cucked state due to my states anti gun rules.

  4. Enjoyed the video. I like the BCM MID 16 MOD 2 as it has all the features I like (including a bayonet lug) and none that I don't like. A superb tactical/service rifle and very good value IMO.

  5. I would rather go with a company that makes everything in house! Danyel defense and LWRC are better options in my opinion . They both manufacture everything themselves and have cold hammer forges and bcm doesn’t.

  6. I have one of their 14.5in pin n weld with the enhanced medium weight barreled upper. It's on a Windham weaponry lower that I added a larue mbt-2s trigger and its great. Anytime I itch for a new AR I just shoot that one and I'm good.

  7. Maybe I’m all alone in the world but I am not on the BCM nut riding train. I once was but in the last three years BCM has lost their touch and are letting all kinds of problems come to market. Before you say everyone has yeah I already know but it was almost like BCM turn the light switch off. Of the 13 BCM rifles we have in the shop seven of them have issues in manufacturing and assembly.

  8. all this praise of BCM but nobody wants to talk about how they fall short in the accuracy department. I have 4 BCM rifles and not one of them shoot under 2moa. While that's fine for me it's not great. I have 2 DD and they are 1 – 1.2 moa guns and my only spikes tactical shoots sub moa (surprisingly)

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