Home CMMG How to Install the CMMG Bravo .22lr Conversion Kit

How to Install the CMMG Bravo .22lr Conversion Kit


How to install the CMMG Bravo conversion kit in your AR-15.
Looking to convert your AR15 to a 9mm or .22LR? The CMMG brand has all the AR Conversions you need to finish the AR of your dreams.

Just swap this drop-in conversion with the bolt carrier group from your 5.56/.223 chambered rifle, and you will be ready to shoot .22LR. The product ships with 25 round 22LR magazine. For best performance, use a round style hammer as notched hammers can cause function issues and 36-grain plated nose bullets have proven to be the best choice for function.

Since .223 WYLDE is NOT a mil-spec chamber, CMMG does not guarantee fit or function with our 22LR conversion kits.

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  1. Just a pro tip, if you polish the feed ramp chamber and action rails of this with a soft felt pad on a Dremel and flitz metal polish it works extremely well much better than Factory better than it does from the factory. I've uploaded a how-to video showing what to do

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